EPT Barcelona 10k High Roller
Posted by Colm Tuite
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Colm Tuite
posted in
High Stakes
EPT Barcelona 10k High Roller
I regged late and had just been at the table about 30 mins. Very soft field for a 10k. We have about 60k effective at 500/1000/100.
Hero: Unknown to the table with probably a lag/creative image.
Villain: Unknown to me, somewhat tight. First hand together.
SB (50bb)
BB (60bb)
UTG (50bb)
UTG+1 (50bb)
MP (50bb)
HJ (50bb)
CO [HERO] (Ac 10d) (70bb)
BN (50bb)
Preflop: (2300)
Folds to CO. Hero raises to 2500. BB calls.
Flop: [As Kh 10h] (6,300)
BB : Checks
Hero bets 3000. BB calls.
I c/bet flop to get value from suited rag aces, flush draws and pair plus gutter type hands.
Turn: [As Kh 10h 6c] (12,300)
BB : Checks
Hero bets 6,800. BB calls.
I bet turn for pretty much the same reasons that I bet flop. We were somewhat deep (for MTT) so he can call turn with draws, especially combo draws. K10 is also a possibility. I remember considering that he could be slowplaying QJ, my range is completely uncapped here, so it might be an ok spot for villain to check shove a off-suit river - raising turn leaves him in an awkward spot on a lot of rivers.
River: [As Kh 10h 6c 10c] (25,900)
BB : Checks
Hero bets 25,000. BB calls and mucks.
I'm not sure about my bet size on river. I decided to bet full pot because I felt like I was somewhat polarised. I can either have a busted straight/flush draw, or a boat. It's tough for me to have just a 10 because I usually check back turn with 10x. So I'm trying to get max value from K10, QJ, J10, Q10. Ax can also call since he now chops vs all aces and he blocks some of my boats.
This is my first post on RIO, so any thoughts much appreciated :)
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Flop play is fine .
I would bet little less on turn something like 5500 -6000 ,giving him good odds to call.
most players in BB play any A,K .
QJ he can have fair amount of the time . Ah,Kh fair amount of the time
your turn bet mad him think you hold T clearly.
by making small bet sizing on turn you would faced 3 bet and get good odds to continue and make him bluff on the river .
Live play has lot of tells and trick. i would take time and check river and make him bet huge.
Betting big on the river with a polar range is preferable yes.
Solvers will prefer slightly bigger sizings on flop and turn as far as chipEV goes. However, in mtt's there's always some chip-nonlinearity (gaining chips is not as valuable as losing chips hurts), even in begin/middle stages. So in general sizing down a bit from cEV optimal sizing is not that bad cuz it serves this purpose.
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