Don't know how to play Jacks sometimes
Posted by Cheeseman3417
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High Stakes
Don't know how to play Jacks sometimes
6-max $100 rebuy
250/500 blinds
JJ in lojack w/ 22k effective
I 2x open
LAG in HJ 3.5x 3bet (3500)
Folds around and I jammed
He called with ak
Should I be flatting here? Is it ok to jam?
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I find myself in similar spots allllll the time with jacks. I would have shoved as well. still hold plenty of equity vs AK AQ type hands. especially from a LAG who could be 3 betting and calling off lighter than some others. at the end of the day, no correct way to play JJ lol gl gl in the future.
I think both jamming and flatting the 3bet are both reasonable. LAG is a bit of an ambiguous term, but in general vs. players with wider 3bet ranges I think pushing JJ into your shove range as the bottom of your value pole seems fine/good.
In general, I personally tend to flat JJ here and my value jams are QQ+ AK, then I also jam a bunch of weaker hands that aren't strong enough to flat. 99-JJ and probably 88 just slot nicely into calling the 3b most of the time. When I do shove JJ in this spot, it is generally done as an exploit vs. players who have wider 3betting ranges.
I don't have a super strong grasp of what GTO preflop ranges look like for this spot, and this may be a hand that gets pretty heavily mixed. Seems fine to go either way with this combo
This is monker response LJ vs HJ 3B 40bbs deep fwiw:
I would not focus on this type of spots tho since at the end of the day you have JJ for 40bbs and if he has you beat is just a cooler. Vs some nitty guys could make a case that the EV of flatting goes up but imo this is not where our EV will come from
True, good point. Sticking to solver approved is probably best here.
JJ doesn't play especially well postflop, jamming is higher EV. I think that particular hand is a clear jam. The adjustment you might want to make given he is a LAG is to pure jam TT rather than mix and pure call AA rather than mix.
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