Does he have it?

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Does he have it?

HJ: 5943
CO: 3660
BN: 5105
SB: 4467
BB: 5969
UTG: 5061
UTG1: 10175
UTG2: 5341 (Hero)
LJ: 4579
Preflop (75) (9 Players)
Hero was dealt T T
UTG folds, UTG1 folds, Hero raises to 150, LJ calls 150, HJ folds, CO folds, BN calls 150, SB folds, BB calls 100
Flop (625) 3 4 7 (4 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets 322, LJ raises to 795, BN folds, BB folds, Hero folds
Final Pot
LJ wins 1269

Hey gang hope all is hella,

So here we are with 10s, facing a cbet raise with 2 behind... I elected to fold and I'm not sure if it's correct . I think my bet sizing on flop looks decently strong into 3 oppts and then when he raises I think that looks really strong in this spot. 33 44 77 and 56s are all in his flatting range and i don't think he would raise 88 or 99 on this board. he could of course have a flush draw too but again im not sure thats likely when a flat would probably be better for him in that spot.

his stats are 14/12/6 over 661 hands...  thoughts?


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CairyHunts 11 years ago

He's a nit, so wouldnt think he has 56s in his flatting range at all. Its highly likely he has sets, i agree. Your arguments for not raising 88/99 and FD's are ok I guess, but theres also merit to raise them MW too. I would probably call flop and evaluate turn, tbh. Nits generally check give up turn/river if their medium equity hands don't improve.

Degnovic 11 years ago

Would follow the same line as ^^. We're assigning him too narrow of a range by folding here, and it's explotive IMO. He could be raising some kind of combo draw too, which would make sense and I guess you could assign him bluffs a small percentage of the times (for when he wants to win the hand on the if he thinks you're cbetting all the time here).

Btw am I the only one thinking of making the flop bet bigger when we're 4way?

TheMickxx 11 years ago

If you bet bigger on the flop, isn't it harder to get away with your hand? Or would you then just call if villain 3bets, check turn and fold? I prefer a little over half pot sized bet on the flop, because I think it makes us look pretty strong here against 3 players, right? Correct me if I'm wrong

Degnovic 11 years ago

@TheMickxx You could definitely be right, multiway spots like these are something I struggle with and have to improve, so won't say my take is necessarily right. I tend to make the flop bet bigger in this situation to make sure the opponent has a tough decision with his draws.

ImaAggroFish 11 years ago

I think b/f in this spot is quite weak, he could easily have OC+FD when he raises (obv 77/44/33 are in his range too)

Imo call > fold and evaluate turn

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