Does he ever raise worse here?
Posted by Curvez
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Low Stakes
Does he ever raise worse here?
Blinds: t20/t40 (8 Players)
BB: 1,819 (Hero)
UTG: 2,746
UTG+1: 3,525
MP: 2,924
MP+1: 2,919
CO: 2,383
BN: 2,829
SB: 3,261
UTG: 2,746
UTG+1: 3,525
MP: 2,924
MP+1: 2,919
CO: 2,383
BN: 2,829
SB: 3,261
Hero is BB with
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Final Pot
lost and shows three of a kind, Nines.
MP wins and shows a flush, King high.
MP wins 3,760
MP wins and shows a flush, King high.
MP wins 3,760
A poor spot with trips on the river. Thinking back he rarely raises worse than trips on river. Should I always fold here? Can I play 99 any other way here?
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If you check turn you keep his range wider, letting him bluff. I think a X/c is best, not sure.
Like ZeroDegrees I would like a check on the turn better.
With your bet you scare out worse hands - let him bet again and just call.
Then you can decide on the river depending on the board (giving up when a fourth diamont appears), if you wanna go for a small value bet (bet/fold).
As played I think your beat to his 3bet on the river most of the times.
Bet on the flop and check/call on the turn. I think it is better.
And then call down the river as well?
What if a diamont appears?
You scare away a lot of worse hands by betting the flop and risk being rivered by one card diamont hands by only checking the turn then...
Their is 500ish in pot on turn and on On turn you have 1600 left bet close to pot around 425 and then you will have 1175 to shove into a 1350 pot on the river.
You perhaps have the bottom of your value betting hands but betting larger makes it easier for AK, Aq etc with AD to call both streets. U also get called by smaller sets and 2 pair.
This size also open the door to some bluffs entering your range.
Just because u lost to a flush on this occasion u should still be looking to get your whole stack into play here.
i liked the lead turn, because you can exploit his draws range and others mid values, checking turn is ok but imo he'll check behind very often and realize his equity for free.
But river i think you should bet/fold most of times, i won't say his always have value here bc if he's a good player, he can transform his Ad into a bluff, but since micro stakes players don't do that very often, i like to fold here but you should always be looking to who you're playing with before just fold.
Other thing is, you could check/call river after he calls, but imo you'll be losing value from a lot of hands that gonna check behind but still can call a river bet.
I agree with a lot of the points made above. Felipejay makes some good points about player tendencies definitely coming into play here.
But I agree that leading turn and check/calling turn are both viable options.
I think as played, and at a small stakes tournament, that the river is a fold.
One other thing to consider, that hasn't been brought up yet, is what bluffs we can possibly have when leading this turn?
On a flop like A 8 2 with two diamonds, I assume most players have very bluffs that they will take a check/call flop, then lead turn line with.
Just something to be aware of, and that may lean us towards a check/call being more desirable here.
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