(Discuss) Real EV in MTTs, rebuys compared to regular tournaments.
Posted by headao
Posted by headao posted in High Stakes
(Discuss) Real EV in MTTs, rebuys compared to regular tournaments.
I recently spent a bit of time thinking about the real ROI and variance in MTTs. This led me to compare a few profit graphs and the difference in ROI of some highstake MTT regs (some of the best) between regular and rebuy tournies.
Here are a couple of graphs (obv keeping anonymous nick names).
REG 1:
Rebuy tournies
Regular tournies
REG 2:
Rebuy tournies
Regular tournies
As you can see, there is a huge difference between the consistence of the graphs and profit per game. Taking into account the system that Sharkscope adopts, regarding rebuy tournaments (sharkscopes uses avg. rebuy in tournament), I came to the conclusion that these regs must be making more rebuys than the average, which consequently dont appear on the graphs.
I feel that it is not possible to have such a small edge in regular tournaments while having a really big edge in rebuy tournaments.
REGULAR - REG 1 - $7 profit per game, ABI $90, 7.7% ROI
REBUYS - REG 1 - $56 profit per game, ABI $140, 39% ROI
REGULAR - REG 2 - $0.8 profit per game, ABI $99, 0.8% ROI
REBUYS - REG 2 - $31.4 profit per game, ABI $130, 24% ROI
What do you guys think about this?
(It also works for lower buy-ins)
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