Posted by SheriffBarclay
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Mid Stakes
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Live wsopc type events you're going to face a wide array player types. Pay close attention to showdowns and what hands people show up with. Early-mid stages players call way too much preflop and postflop with lots of limping. In general I would be overlimping a lot of suited ax kx connectors/gappers in position and not iso rasing the limp. My open raise size is going to be much bigger than a standard 2-2.5x in the early stages and im going to try and steal much less often. Basically, i'm not going to try and bluff much and im just going to try and extract max value. Likewise mainly just be 3betting for value. If I have hands like AQ AK AJs 77+ and less than 35/40bb I might try to limp shove in early and early mid positions, particularly if there's a couple players at the table who seem to attack limps. The reason for this is you'll get a lot of overlimpers and or a raise plus a call where there's just so much dead money in the middle when action gets back around to you.
The other reason is when you open 2-3x you generally wont get 3b except by good hands but you'll often go to the flop 3-4 way in a bloated pot oop and its very hard to win without making a decent hand.
when flatting an open just realize the pot often goes multiway which means you really shouldnt be bluffing much postflop so you should be flatting hands that make clear value hands and very strong draws.
early/mid stages not double triple barreling much at all unless i have read the other player is weak or not willing to call down or i have a lot of equity / really good board runout (ex cbet QJ on 9 high flop turn K river A)
Once you get closer to the bubble late mid stages players start to tighten up a lot of ppl try to survive. this is where you can put a lot of pressure on ppl. steal alot bluff a lot. Things stay similar to this once all the super short stacks bust after bubble. The avg player plays to tight and doesnt want to bust. Obviously there are exeptions of fishy players playing aggressive/spazzy or good players playing well.
Keep in mind there are lots of fish in these tournaments. You dont have to get in high variance pissing matches with good players in close spots. If a spot seems close and youre not sure what to do its always ok to fold and just wait for a good spot. they will come up. You have fold equity vs a lot of players at much shorter stack sizes than you would online. For example shoving 4-8bbs vs a lot of players bb will get way more folds than it should.
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