deep Saturday Eliminator
Posted by Bulat.alt
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Low Stakes
deep Saturday Eliminator
UTG: davjon: 136585
UTG1: Flemish guy: 90929
LJ: Pa KPC: 143988
HJ: aajwani: 62544
CO: 1991513: 52014
BN: 9ballor8: 35216
SB: mbides131: 57874
BB: Bulat.alt: 74731
UTG1: Flemish guy: 90929
LJ: Pa KPC: 143988
HJ: aajwani: 62544
CO: 1991513: 52014
BN: 9ballor8: 35216
SB: mbides131: 57874
BB: Bulat.alt: 74731
(8 Players)
Bulat.alt was dealt
davjon folds, Flemish guy raises to 5000, Pa KPC folds, aajwani folds, 1991513 folds, 9ballor8 folds, mbides131 folds, Bulat.alt calls 3000
davjon folds, Flemish guy raises to 5000, Pa KPC folds, aajwani folds, 1991513 folds, 9ballor8 folds, mbides131 folds, Bulat.alt calls 3000
(2 Players)
Bulat.alt checks,
Flemish guy bets 9576,
Bulat.alt raises to 24750,
Flemish guy raises to 85729, and is all in,
Bulat.alt calls 44781, and is all in
(2 Players)
(2 Players)
Final Pot
Bulat.alt has
Flemish guy has
Flemish guy
wins 5
Flemish guy
wins 151662
hey guys. my first post here, sorry for bad eng :(.
we are deep in this tour, 150 or some like this ppl left, im on second hand on this table, i havet history on this guy, he have like top 20 stack, we are in probably in top 40.
what i must do? how strong is his range with this big cbet? i pushed, and my friend, mb somebody of u know him very well, chaaai on ps, told me that is very easy push, but i have some doubts. ty.
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I like leading the flop and 3betting all in over a raise. It's kind of ugly raising the flop and having to call off with king high. Leading also gives you the chance to barrel some clubs on the turn as well as get value when you get there. This flop gets check through a bunch so i would lead QK, J10, some f/ds as well as a few weaker hands that can't call a cbet.
and sorry for post it in wrong theme :D
Jason, after we've already checked the flop and he cbets that big, do you think we got any folding equity in this spot? Seeing him cbet almost pot size I would just call cbet and play fit or fold on the turn, possibly also trying to rep a flush on 3rd club if he shows weakness with his line or sizing.
But anyway, donkbet/shove looks like a best option.
Oh, and I'm not a big fan of call preflop vs 2.5x open from utg, unless this guy is really crazy and opening tons from early. We got some reverse implied odds vs his strong utg range, on this stack I think fold > 3bet/fold > call.
No guarantee we have pair outs and the times he has something like AKcc or AQcc (or even some dangerous suited connector clubs with these stack sizes) we're just completely effed.
Fold pre, as played I'd probably check/call the flop and check/decide on the turn, mostly check/folding unimproved.
With his sizing I'd say he mostly has big pairs and A-hi flush draws, and you're fucked vs. that. I'd still peel one street, I think you have too much equity to fold plus you may get some parts of his range to fold on later streets.
Making those kind of calls with a large stack requires more odds relative to outs. If you had a combo draw (flush/straight draw) I could understand the risk you are willing to take, however, with just a straight draw, given your sstack size before the hand. I dont think calling the all in was the right option. Obviously if the 9 or A comes you are hero, in this case i dont really see much logic in calling of all your stack on a draw without the right odds/equity.
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