Deep run in Sundaymillon sick spot
Posted by Min Ji
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Min Ji
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High Stakes
Deep run in Sundaymillon sick spot
75 players left.av 750k . Bind was 20k/40k.
I play pretty active in my table. Fold around bnt was a decent reg open 80k. He had 600k . And sb was short maybe 200k. Sb weird player and flat 80k.left 120k. I had pocket eight sit with 720k. What u guys to do with this spot? Anyway I jam for 18bb. Try to isolate sb. And call by bnt . He had aa. And fucked myself. I do not pretty sure I play all right about this hand or not. Just try to find something here. Thx for com.
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Would be easier to understand with a HH. Anyways looks like an insta shove... Just a bad cooler. Depends on his opening/calling range though.
One question My friend: if btn called u with AQ instead of AA and you won the flip, would u post that hand here?
Yeah... can't be results oriented. I'd rephrase the question to finding out EV+ shoving ranges based on the villian and BBs.
Shoving is +cEV. There are much more factors to look into in a tournament. How many times did you reach top 75 on the SM ? What is the difference of having 18bb and having 21bb in your chance of reaching the first place ? There are huge ICM factors to take into decision before just flicking into shove on this spot. This seems a very easy call.
Don't you think calling pre here 88 will have on average very bad visibility against two players? I think flatting here against only btn or seems best play, but the sb flatting make our call worst; even if it's the highest variance line, avoiding that multiway spot here will do better than calling, just wondering why you think calling>shove. Don't you think we will have to give up too frequently?
Seems like a bad cooler. Do not let the results discourage you. It was an easy fist pump shove.
18 big blinds 75 left on the sunday million is the average stack on a high paying structure with a very soft field. You get this spot at maximum twice a year if you play 45+ sundays.
Shoving has probably a higher EV than calling depending on the assumptions you use for both ranges. BN shouldn't be opening wide against two reshove stacks. SB has a decent amount of traps on this spot since he expects you to shove a reasonable amount given the apparent fold equity.
Against this type of assumed strategy taking a low variance line and "wasting" one big blind on 70%-75% of boards is fine. BN probably isn't playing a high cbet strategy on the spot also given that SB can x/s any paired hand.
Just have to say that I agree with all above, really really good point sir!
u forget that the structure is quite shit, so winning 4bb is pretty important here i think and we should take this spot
if it plays with 20-30min levels i agree
call with 88 here is good, shove is way way better
first i think shove is pretty normal play ,like i play every mtt some way .is like a insta decision in my mind .and i did it very quick as well.but when i finish the session go bed, i can not really sleep .not many time i can go deep in that spot with av chips ,i play evey sunday and finish 3 times top 100 in sm.2 times i jam AA,av chips and lost ,not more i can do ,but this time i also think i probably can just let this go call the bb.and see this flop .K J board ,finish hand .....
sb has 5bb, he is not trapping, he is just a complete fish and btn should know that, making his range much wider in this spot. for those reasons i think shove is by far the best play.
I second what Raphael said. You dont have to take what very often will be a flip here. Giving up a little EV here is fine as you can get in a way better spot. Your stack is still healthy and you dont get this exact spot even close to often enough to take advantage of a slight shoving ev edge.
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