Deep in Live MTT Hand Review
Posted by ralphykid67
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High Stakes
Deep in Live MTT Hand Review
Preface: This is a hand I played over the weekend in a live MTT. $550 buy-in, $16k up top, 120 players. We're in the money (top 12 pay) on the second day. Pretty good structure with a few stacks close to 100bbs and average around 40-50bbs.
Setup/Info: 2 Tables left with 11 players total. 6-handed with SB sitting out (so basically 5 handed), BB has us both covered with about 150k. My stack 85k with blinds 3/6k- 500 ante (~14bbs) I’m on the button. Villain about 45k stack (~8bbs) is UTG+2. She was super tight to the point it was fishy. I watched her fold down to 5 or less BBs a few times to find monsters and double up (AK, AA, JJ etc). It’s also worth mentioning that earlier when she did have chips, she would fold forever then all of a sudden just open for like 5-8x (which of course is very fishy and suggests she is never opening light or as a bluff). This player was clearly unaware of many essential tournament skills. Also, she is shortest stack in the field and I am second shortest. No pay jump until 9th place. FWIW I wasn't concerned with the pay jump.
Action: UTG folds. She open jams for her 8bbs , second guy folds, I tank reshove with A10 offsuit and BB folds.
My thoughts: Against most decent players I’m ahead of their range here which (I think) should include any KQ, KJ, maybe K10. Any pair, and any suited ace, maybe even any Ace at all, maybe even QJ suited, J10 suited, 10 9 suited etc. With those assumptions I (think) I can profitably call with A10? Problem is this lady was so bad that her range might have been a bit more narrow, I’m thinking she may have open folded KJ, K10 or worse, and any raggy Ace. I feel she is still aware enough to jam any pair, and maybe any suited Ace, or any KQ.
Am I overthinking this? Is this a standard call/reshove on my part regardless of her being weak tight? The problem is stack sizes. If I call and lose I’m crippled (which happened she had QQ, how do they do it?). I think folding isn’t a bad play given her tighter range and the stack preserving argument. If I fold and preserve my stack I’m still a threat to all the 20-30 bb stacks.
Against any normal player with no info of extreme tightness do you all agree this is a standard reshove? Or is that even a bad play?
Thanks in advance for your comments.
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It's probably not awful to stack off here, but I don't see how it can be great: if she's as tight as you say and willing to fold waiting for premiums, then you'll have 33-40% equity against her range I'd say. There is dead money with the blinds an ante, but overall you're not getting a great price if she's shoving that tight.
I'd be more inclined to call her shove if I was the BB and everybody had folded. On your spot, I'd elect to fold.
Also, as you mentionned you have a good resteal stack allowing you to pick chips with FE ; whereas if you get down to 6 bb, well you can only open shove with little FE.
Thanks for the reply. When you say 33-40% do you mean against her tight range? What do you think my equity is against a normal player with a wider (more correct) shoving range?
Here's a better question: Against a better player in this spot, do I have enough equity to take this gamble, or is my stack too valuable to risk being crippled?
I like what MrSneeze has to say. Given your read, you know she isn't desperation shoving and is willing to fold through the blinds without a hand. So maybe she is shoving some hands we beat ( KQ, Axs) but we might not even be able to include all Axs like A6 etc. thus we are left with many more permutations of hands we are a dog against. Plus the two opponents behind can wake up as well.
Even more important is losing our stack utility. If we call and win we are around 28bb but if we lose we no longer have any preflop fe in opened pots. The 28bb might give us a bit more room to maneuver, but I think having a stack where you can jam over some of the deeper stacked loose openers in this deeper structure is very important.
So I would tend to fold vs this particular opponent
Thanks for the reply, and by the way only one opponent behind because the sb hadnt arrived to day two yet! Anyways, I agree it was a fold. I still want to hear some peoples opinions on what to do here vs a more typical player?
As an aside to this story, the guy was the BB in this hand got KO'd like 2 hands later. So I sneak into the FT with like 5-6bbs. End up folding through the blinds and being down to ~4bbs. Now I'm OTB and this same lady opens UTG+2 for like 40k (same level so her raise was over 6x smh) I peel AK and obviously call off. She has AJ and flops a J to KO me. Just a fun side story to add to my frustrations after making a bad call with A10 :/
you wrote: "I watched her fold down to 5 or less BBs a few times to find monsters and double up (AK, AA, JJ etc). It’s also worth mentioning that earlier when she did have chips, she would fold forever then all of a sudden just open for like 5-8x (which of course is very fishy and suggests she is never opening light or as a bluff). This player was clearly unaware of many essential tournament skills"
i think you answer all your own questions with your own reads. this is a clear fold with our stack. Lets wait for a better spot.
hope this is helpful
i like a fold preflop. you are saying her range "should" be KQ KJ KT and aces but she is obv not shoving that wide based on her previous action of folding down to 5bb. i dont think shoving is terrible but i would prefer a fold with action behind
I think it's closer than some are making it seem itt. When she was folding down it was on the bubble, she is going to be looser here than she was on the bubble. When she's had under 10bbs has she raise folded, has she minraise induced with monsters or induced with them. I just find it doubtful that she looks down at 77 here and open folds.
i'm folding 22-66 and AJo and worse against said opponent. I just don't think she's ever worse than this, with how she's been playing and the fact she's shipping into 4 players.
I like Sam's point, that she "should be" opening up her range now that the bubble is over, but the fact we have 2 players yet to act, I think this hand goes into the muck.
There is no way I'm calling ATo vs the type of really tight female live player you are describing. Slide that into the muck and move on.
Thanks again all. Anyone care to comment on if this is a correct play against a more typical opponent? I think it's fine against most players, just not this one.
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