Deep in 1500$ WSOP event last summer, thoughts??

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Deep in 1500$ WSOP event last summer, thoughts??

This happened late in a 1500$ WSOP event I ran deep in. Always looking for other perspectives, as the responses I have gotten are literally all over the spectrum.

Table has been together for a while, and we are all fairly deep. Blinds are 2/4k 500A.

UTG is on 200K – Solid/tight player, doesn't get out of line much, very capable of stealing

Hero on 315K – Me. I plays pokers lucky

BTN on 385K – Has been VERY aggro. Super 3 bet happy and was using his stack to bully table. It was working until he got too raise happy and lost a 200k pot (found out later he is Mark Dube, very solid player)

SB on 100K – Shortie at table. Aggro player, very well looking for a spot to get his chips in the middle

BB on 295K – Darren Elias, super good online player. Def one of the top players at the table

UTG opens to 8500, Hero looks down to JJ and calls.

This is first spot where I'm not 100% happy with my choice. The idea is to call all 3 bets from BTN (or possibly 4bet him depending on raise size), isolate all shoves from SB when UTG folds/fold with UTG iso's. After some considerable thought, I feel that I should just be 3 betting here. While I'm not against flatting sometimes, it's probably going to put me in some odd spots post flop with the BTN being an aggro monkey. The reason I flat is to make the pot look really juicy for the SB to shove. Don't hate/love it.

As predictable as a cuckoo clock, BTN 3b to 27,000. This raise sizing was quite large for him. I read it as weak, and immediately opt to go with the 4bet/call it off route. This would not be the first raising war we had gotten into and I wasn't folding this time. His normal 3 bet size in this spot would be more in the 18-21K range.

SB chickens out and mucks. BB decides to 4b to 72,500. WTF???? UTG folds. Hero scratches head and hates life.

It's extremely possible that BB picked up on this: UTG opens (Standard). Hero flats (likely a weak drawy kind of hand he wants to play in position). BTN 3b because he senses weakness and sees a good spot to resteal. This means it's a great spot for BB to 4b and show table who's boss. Could also be that BB has AA or KK.

Thoughts? I don't really think that flatting is ever an option here. It's 20ish% of our stack. If we are only caller, it still puts us in lots of odd spots post flop and we are going to have to dig deep to win. If BTN calls, we are now in a huge pot caught in the middle. Not my idea of a good time.

That means, at least in my eyes, it's a fold/shove(maybe just 5b to 135K and fold when shoved on??). Anyone else have any fun ideas?

The above is straight copied from how I posted this question to a diff training site and my coach at the time. I'll give it a few replies before I add in where I am now, 8 months later - my thoughts have changed slightly.


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