Decision. Would you call this river?
Posted by ekeivs
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Low Stakes
Decision. Would you call this river?
Blinds: t1,000/t2,000 (9 Players)
BN: RoleXX048: 51,548
SB: pAArich: 56,980
BB: Odessssit: 62,910
UTG: ucholak: 166,446
UTG+1: kevin079148: 126,088
MP: Medodome12: 121,156
MP+1: dzoint: 71,847 (Hero)
MP+2: megarake: 116,230
CO: rosa zunge: 25,152
SB: pAArich: 56,980
BB: Odessssit: 62,910
UTG: ucholak: 166,446
UTG+1: kevin079148: 126,088
MP: Medodome12: 121,156
MP+1: dzoint: 71,847 (Hero)
MP+2: megarake: 116,230
CO: rosa zunge: 25,152
dzoint is MP+1 with
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Final Pot
Odessssit wins 49,106
I think his river bet is so value heavy. Something like this
I give him 30% defending range and against that range by river my hand is best only 21% of time.
What do you guys think about it?
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Yeah i dont think you're ever good there :) I think you never beat anything he bets for value (maybe 1 or 2 combos that i'm not sure he bets), and he won't bluff that often on that board with a 1/2 size bet when he knows you have hit some kind of hand because you double barrelled. he's asking you to call
Ugh this is so sick. I really like how we played the hand, i like the small bap game but i think we can actually bet a bit more on this turn. I think very few of his hands that he calls flop with are done on the turn and we can push a bit harder, but that edge is marginal at best. He knows we have something and check this river back 90% of the time, if he's bluffing then very well played by him.
Sick spot, but you just have to make the disciplined lay down as you did! I agree with both comments above mine, there is just not enough bluffs out there. On such a wet board I think you should be betting much much bigger. I would bet something like 7.5-8.5k OTF and OTT 16-17k.
GL at the tables!
I'm just starting at poker. But how wrong would it be to check back on the turn, and call his 1/2pot bet on the river taking it to a showdown? I know it is wrong because you are not taking flush draw value from the villain, but would it be so wrong if betting all 3 street would put your tournament in risk?
it seems that you're starting to fall a little bit on the "results oriented" side, which is common for newer players but is a habit you very much want to break.You can't look at the results of the hand and say "based on that, I should have done this" because it leads you to making mistakes in the future.
To answer your question, the reason why we don't want to check back the turn is because he can have more than just a flush draw here. He can have KT, AT, KJ, QJ, A9, 98, T8, A8, he could have also turned the diamond draw. Right now we are in a position where there are plenty of cards that can come out that will not make us happy. Any club for sure, diamonds aren't great, A, K, Q, 8, 7 are all bad for us. We want our opponents to make as many mistakes against us as possible, because that means profit for us. Allowing him to see a free card at such a crucial point in the pot is not a good plan.
We also don't know if he will bluff the river if we check. And we need to consider how much money in the end actually goes in? We bet half pot on the turn, so if instead we check and call our opponents half pot bet on the river then the exact same amount of money is going in, however we are giving him more information.
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