Conflicting RiO strategy advice: Sisley v Obst. Defend yourself!

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Conflicting RiO strategy advice: Sisley v Obst. Defend yourself!

I have noticed occasionally two respected players have opposite viewpoints on basic strategy, and today watching videos one spot came up that I think needs to be debated.

The videos in question:

Todd shoves AKo UTG for 18bb @ 300/600.

At 25 minutes: "I think that a raise would be totally reasonable, but I think that I'm going to want to be going all in with such a wide range of hands because I don't think they are going to be calling it very well. So if I have I hand like pocket fives I'm going to want to go all in."

James minraises 66 UTG+1 with 13bb @ 300/600

At 8 minutes: "I know that the majority of pros will tell you, or at least they will move all in here with 13 big blinds and there is no doubt that it's profitable to do so in a vacuum. Without running the math I'd say it's probably 200 to 250 chips profitable to move all in here; however, what it also does is immediately risks perhaps 20% elimination on the spot. And I haven't check that, but it is roughly what I'd assume the number to be. Before you go throwing away your tournament when it isn't necessary, I think we have to consider - lets just think about this ... We have to think about where our big edge comes from, and where it comes from is taking advantage of weaker players making them make mistakes ... It doesn't come from pushing tiny edges like 200 chips in this hand and increasing your risk of elimination unnecessarily. The old school concept of tournament life - I know that online players like to bash it, but its really been lost on the modern tournament player. ... Especially in tournaments you figure to have a strong edge you really want to be respecting your tournament life. ... If you guys want to play 5% ROI, no problem. Go ahead and shove. Watch someone else make videos, but I want to teach you guys - I want you guys to craft a game that is going to be tailored to a bigger ROI, and that starts by thinking of new ways to play hands."

Watch the videos to get the full understanding of the spots. Make note that both agree that raising and shoving can be +ev, but clearly they differ on their preferred approach.

I know there are many winning players with contrasting styles, but this is a very prominent MTT spot and I'd love to here some debate on playing 15bb in EP.


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MumsPengar123 12 years, 2 months ago
I would do opposite in booth spots. Would minraise AK and jam 66.
But like the 66 open moore then the AK jam I think..
"So if I have I hand like pocket fives I'm going to want to go all in."
And btw dont think 55 is a profitable shove utg with 18bb.
Didier Guerin 12 years, 2 months ago
Sounds like Obst has already defended himself to me. I think it's bad to have an open jamming range in a spot if you're not going to balance it. Maybe Sisley jams a wide range in his spot while Obst likely min-raises a a wider range than most because he would never open jam monsters there.
jloo87 12 years, 2 months ago
what you should do really depends on how the table perceives you and what whether you have any history on the table. If you have been min raising and folding a lot then min raise with your entire range utg. Or if you have been open shoving 10-15 bigs and everyone knows it then start shoving your value range and min raising the hands you are folding. Its all about table image and dynamics.

Both are right. What we should do should really depend on what we have done and what we want to do in the future. Think about it
MumsPengar123 12 years, 2 months ago
" Its all about table image and dynamics."
-This can be tough while playing many tables, mtt regulars usally have moore then 8tables running. Isnt it better to have shoveranges with certain bb:s and rf/rc ranges?
Easy to level youreself otherwise.

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