Can someone give me any feedback about my playing ability ?
Posted by Calvin_n1
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Low Stakes
Can someone give me any feedback about my playing ability ?
Hi guys. I've been playing for 2-3 months, mainly part time for like 2-3 days a week. I do have a question about my winnings bb/100 after analysing my stats . My results bb/100 on Partypoker is 7.84 and 888poker is 10.8 on 85k hands. Also mainly playing 1$ - 5$ small field tournaments. I'm not sure about the sample size and about my playing ability.
There are few things I really doubt about my playstyle, player fields and also current meta game, which i dont know what it is right now:
- Bluffing at the river. Depending on the player. I've seen a lot of patterns that (if I) fire three barrels will pay off most of the time. Player tend to stick with their weak pair (like pair of 3 on a J732 rainbow board). A lot of times I really dont have the balls to bluff the river. Tried it few times and winrate was 50/50 i would say.
- Flushdraws and some straightdraws. Flushdraws is really a struggle for me at these stakes. Most of the time they will have flushdraws by def at the big blind. Or fishes calling randomly at different positions. I dont know any good solutions for this kind of situations. Even though I bet big on flop and turn. If the river completes a flush, often I feel forced to check it and lose a bunch of my stack there. Im not sure about checking turn and giving villian a free card, but I really do prefer barreling.
- 3-4 handed play. Like I said on point number one. I'm quite aggressive, but a lot of times it seems that im spewing chips away by betting too often postflop. Ive tried to do some check backs on the flop, but then I will play a guessing game on turn and rivers. Which confuse me a lot.
I know these are all example without any decent hand history, but i will look at my database for certain HH.
Also I will post my stats at this post and hopefully you guys can rate my playstyle!!
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hey mate!
your win rate seems fine.
About the other topics, I do not like to generalize and think the best way to go trough them in a more accurate way is to select hand histories.
My win rate was a bit under 10bb at nlh20 with a high rake (at plo my win rate was 5bb and zero at plo10 where the rake was still higher) but it depends a lot on relative skill levels; I had like two more or less fish-palyers at the table and the rest were nits that were pretty easy to play against. 6-max cash.
For tourneys, there is the sharkscope site for stats.
Bluffing the river needs to be in balance with value bets (1/3rd or less are bluffs depending on bet size from pot to less) so you need to bluff a part of your missed draws or relative if no draws likely. Follow your feel also.
Betting IP is to happen less often when the opponent gets up to a likely hit like you are blocking whatever you try to get value from. Except if they tend to donk their hits. Out of position, I am more aggressive, as I don't want them to check their weaker hands but maybe when they can have a healthy bluff range also.
Checking back on the flop, one needs to keep folding a part of the range on every street if the opponent keeps betting. There are many players I wouldn't be checking back to with hands I am going to easily fold, so I add them to my c-bet range, and that is for exploitive reasons.
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