Can I have some thoughts on this play, I can't convince myself I was wrong.

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Can I have some thoughts on this play, I can't convince myself I was wrong.

First off, hello yáll RunItOnce members, this is my first post and I'm very glad being part of this amazing website. I truly believe group thinking is the way to go for poker nowadays as P.G. himself mentioned in one of his old videos. Therefore this community empowers our game.
Now straight to the hand.

Situation: 16,50$ Turbo MTT on Pokerstars. I am 65/200 with 50k stack , blinds 1.5k/3k .
Hero UTG with KJ of hearts - raises 7.500. MP Villain shoves 70k stack on top, action folded to Hero.
Info : In the previous orbit I doubled up through the same villain , who called my 22k shove with QJ and with ~80k stack, I had AQ (?!).

What happened: I shoved all in my 50k stack with KJs and got called by A10 and A high was good in the end so I bust out of the tournament.

Thoughts: When the villain shoved over me my thinking process was something like the following:
1. I might not be dominated, AK , AJ, KQ , JJ , QQ , KK , AA - that is what I fear the most. AA KK and probably QQ aren't that possible, I think he would have reraised me.
2. He is the guy who CALLED my all in with QJ, I can be flipping a very decent percent of the time.
3. If I double up here , I am in a much better position in the big picture.

What I want to discuss, ask:
I feel somewhat ok, even happy with my shove against that particular opponent because the potential double up would have given me a very powerful position relative to the ~45k stack if I had folded. Additionally the dynamic with this player suggested me that I was flipping or just 1,5:1 underdog, which of course is not what we want, but in a Turbo for full double up and at the insignificant mid game stage- why not?

Contrasting view:
UTG Raise with KJ ?
CALLING OFF A SHOVE WITH KJ, after showing strength with the UTG raise? (This implies the villain is not messing around and has a hand very likely better than mine, wanted to explain myself, I know you got it anyway :) )
Trying to convince myself UTG raise and all in call with KJs is OK?

Some other probably (ir)relevant info:
No HUD, probably anxious and tilted from action on other tables / this was my last game I was in.

Thank you in advance for the opinions, I'd also like to know what are your thoughts on how some people are much more successful in MTT that others, I know they are more skilled than me for example , but in which aspect of the game.

Thank you for your time and good luck!

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