Call river shove with pocket 6s?

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Call river shove with pocket 6s?

Playing a live £35 freezeout mmt. Blinds are 1200/600, we're about halfway through a field of ~60. Villain is UTG+2 and min raises. I'm BB and raise to 6K with 35K behind. Villain covers me and just calls. Flop is KK2 rainbow. I check planning to either raise or shove if he bets. He checks back. Turn is a 3. I bet out for 11K. Villain asks how much I have left and then just calls. He's a young, Asian kid with hip hop style. My table read is that he is loose aggressive, but he was moved from another table and hasn't played a hand yet so I can't be sure. I can tell he is worried that I have a K. I'm putting him on a pocket pair higher than my 66, maybe JJ or TT, or Ax. River is a 9. I check with the intention of calling hoping to catch a bluff. Villain shoves, I call my last 25K. Villain scoops 80K with A9. My read was obviously correct and I can only assume he called the turn to bluff at the river and hit the 9. But maybe I should have been more aggressive on the flop and turn? The 9 is the only card I pay, if river is an A I check fold. Thoughts?


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