call or fold?
Posted by botuu10
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Mid Stakes
call or fold?
I was playing in a $22 R/A. The period of add on was finished. I was 13/240 - 99 placed paid - avg chips 68k - blinds increased every 10 min - I had 115k.
Blinds: 1000/2000 ante 250.
My turn came without action in MP+1 and I received AQo. I open raised to 3bb...SB raised all -in for almost 40k (20BB) I thought in small pairs TT-22, I tanked 25 sec more and I decided to called about my stack.
He shown AKh. Although the flop wasn´t bad for me...K-2-T rainbow, but there is nothing happen then lol.
The called was good in that instance and my stack? Or I probably waited for another good spot?
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Good call, very standard call here, you can expect to be flipping with a lot of his range JJ-22, and dominating Ax, KQ, QJs ect... AQ is well ahead of his shoving range here, but it doesn't need to be for it to be a +EV call, with all the money in the pot you can definitely call wider than AQo, e.g AJo/ATs
Definitely a call. Your equity vs. his range is really good always. You happened to run into AK, but most villains will have many worse Ax than you such as AT-AJo, A8-AJs, and underpairs, also possibly hands like KQ,KJs, KQo, etc. This is a very profitable call and it's not close. You probably are just being results oriented because villain had AK.
What would be your calling range here?
I think this depends on your read. Are you being the bully on the table and have a loose aggressive image? Is this guy playing tight and opening only a few hands?
He has a normal stack. My question, puntually, is about if I put him in TT+ is a good spot to call with AQo? Taking the stage of the tourney.
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