Call off with KQ suited?
Posted by Father05
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Mid Stakes
Call off with KQ suited?
Playing 109 25k GTD on Americas Cardroom, I have a spot where in game I called off and wondering if my logic is sound, or not?
Hero 19bb stack, UTG KQ suited 8 handed
Having been very card dead and not vpip a lot of hands, and very tight image on this table. Getting a lot of opens through. I open 2.5bb open and it folds to BB which is new to table. He open shoves but has 75BB stack. Call or Fold?
My thoughts are he should have a very narrow range, I took AA,KK out of range, I think he would be 3 bet inducing with these hands a lot, I also take 22-55 our he would probably just flat call, maybe not. I figured AK, AQ is possible and that is not good for my hand, but I figured a lot of Aj,A10, and mid pocket pairs 6's-Queens.
I needed 41% to call just on math?
Thoughts? I called and was against 99, wondering if terrible call?
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I think this is a call, this is a spot I see quite often big stacks jamming hands like 33+ against a stack <20bb especially when they they don't have similar size stacks left behind them, I think with AJ AT he would probably flat more.
Considering you will be oppening something around 15% here, your calling range should look something like this:
Is this at the final table?
Villain can easily defend, so his shoving range over an UTG open should be relatively strong. As pointed out you are near the bottom of your UTG opening range, so it seems like an easy fold.
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