Call 3bet , 4bet or Fold ?
Posted by alextrep88
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Low Stakes
Call 3bet , 4bet or Fold ?
Blinds: t800/t1,600 (9 Players)
MP+1: 26,490 (Hero)
MP+2: 25,248
CO: 38,162
BN: 24,300
SB: 39,989
BB: 76,369
UTG: 17,969
UTG+1: 42,601
MP: 30,430
MP+2: 25,248
CO: 38,162
BN: 24,300
SB: 39,989
BB: 76,369
UTG: 17,969
UTG+1: 42,601
MP: 30,430
Hero is MP+1 with
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I have no hands on Vilain, I just get moved to this table, he has an homer simpson image.
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Disgusting fold pre, he doesn't have the weakest part of his get it in range when he's 3betting you to 1/3rd of your stack and him being in the bb closing the action makes it much stronger, I'd be mucking this one
I think this play is totally fine. [him being in the bb closing the action makes it much stronger] I also completely disagree with this. Maybe its just me?
ps. 4bet is not an option unless it is a 4bet jam.
At this stack depth he'll have a linear 3bet range one would imagine.
Deeper he'll need a polarized range as he'll want to 3bet for value, call very wide as he gets a good price and therefore balance the 3bet value range with some much weaker hands that flatting isn't the best option. If he isn't doing this, and just 3betting for value and calling then it's really easy to play against...
You can't fold here IMO, however if he had 66-99 (or whatever worse pairs he's reshoving with) he's probably just jamming to 'maximise' fold equity and to stop you flatting (which you probably never do anyway). He also just jams AK/AQ, right? So thinking about it, it feels pretty scary sizing, and I'm sure he had it this time - hence the post. However, with all this said, if he is making this sizing with any of the above then it's a weak fold. Technically speaking your hand is far too strong at this stack depth to muck given this action.
I open 2BB and 4bet shove back 13 BB, he showed me aces. I'm not too familiar with ICM trainer and SNG Wizard, dunno if they do take stats into account or they'll compute the move just on effective stacks. I also don't know how to calculate expected value and fold equity in these spots. I'm such a noob :(
Quite the opposite w these positions and no history.
if you think his range is polarized here then why would you fold?
Stacks are too shallow to flat, and its more like hes super polarized to top 3% with very few (if any), random bluffs.
[its more like hes super polarized to top 3% with very few (if any), random bluffs.],
I am challenging your logic here, as the way you describe the range is a 3% linear range. An extremely unlikely scenario.
Top 3% + few combos of random trash is not linear, what u on about...?
top 3% and random trash (if at all) is not a polarized range either. It would be something like BB 3bets QQ-AA and 22-55 but flats in between. So TT is likely still a shove IMO. But I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one.
Polarized range = very good hands and very bad hands.
What are you saying?
The spot wasn't great, he snap back within a sec. He showed aces. Thanks guy for comments.
By my experience, for one random guy who is 3betting trash there, for the rest of them is just so logical that we are running into a monster here so to my eyes not too much sense in taking the risk here
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