Calculating breakeven equity for reshoves
Posted by Douggyfr3sh
Posted by Douggyfr3sh posted in High Stakes
Calculating breakeven equity for reshoves
Hey RIO,
I suck at math and I'm trying to write a Javascript program to generate a chart showing breakeven Equities for each level of fold equity from 0% - 90% at 10% intervals. To do this, I'm trying to get an equation where we solve for our Equity vs. villain's range when our reshove is called (HU Spots). It doesn't really matter if our shove is a 3bet,4bet,or 5+bet. Here's where I'm at:
User gives us Current Pot size (size of the pot before we reshove) and Effective Shove amount (effective stack size we are jamming)
Let's call Pot size currently P and the effective shove amount S:
Our EV is made up of EV(fold) and EV(call), so that EV(total) = EV(fold) + EV(call)
To find neutral/breakeven equity point: 0 = EV(fold) + EV(call) and
-EV(fold) = EV(call)
So our EV(call) looks like this:
EV(call) = (%Call) * ( (Equity* (P+2S)) - ((1-Equity)*(S)) )
So, given a certain % of fold equity, I want to find our breakeven equity in the hand. I need to get the equation in the form:
but I've tried doing it a bunch of times and my results are coming up incorrect.
Am I missing something here?
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