C-betting second pair

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C-betting second pair

Hey, I'm never really sure how to play my second pair hands (or pocket pairs with a flopped overcard) on a dry flop without a flush draw possible when I am the preflop aggressor.

If I c-bet I feel like I am very likely behind when I get called with almost no chance of catching up and will have to check fold the turn to a bet anyway.
If I don't c-bet though and just check-call, it seems very easy to put me on a second pair type of hand and double/triple barrel me off of it.

Hope someone has some advice or can recommend some training videos where some of thise gets explained.. (couldn't find any yet but I can only access the essential pack)

Thank you!


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GEOabc 9 years ago

These situations will have different best actions for you depending on your opponent. Your opponents tendencies will help you decide whether to bet or check at first. But you don't want to be giving up too easily regardless of the opponent. Practice will help you get more comfortable in these spots.

Andre Bilenky 9 years ago

Think it obviously depends alot on positions , board texture and opponents.
I think a good place to start is cbetting more vulnerable hands and cheking back the less ones. For example:
Co vs bb deep, u open 88 the bb defends and the board comes J23r, i like betting here more often than not cause u arent getting much xraised and hands like T9 that have decent equity against u arent able to continue. And u still get some value from Ahigh , some gutters ,3x etc...
Other example: u open KK utg , and btn flats. Board comes A72 r, here i think its a xback almost always since u dont have to protect at all, u are unlikely to get value from worst and if u think u are faced up against aggro villains that would turn probe and bomb river, just xback some Weak Ax and some AA ocasioanally.
Hope it helped some, but i think there tons of different aspects to each hand, especially in mtts that are difficult to create a fixed strategy.

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