BvB Postflop Situation
Posted by James Obst
Posted by
James Obst
posted in
High Stakes
BvB Postflop Situation
HJ: 16135
CO: 17902
BN: 27018
SB: 34917
BB: 47823
UTG: 11992
CO: 17902
BN: 27018
SB: 34917
BB: 47823
UTG: 11992
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, Hero raises to 1250, BB calls 750
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, Hero raises to 1250, BB calls 750
(2 Players)
Hero bets 1455,
BB calls 1455
(2 Players)
Hero bets 2755
Do we like betting or checking the flop? If we check are we check/calling or check/folding? If we bet do we like a bigger bet?
Thoughts on our turn action? If we bet, how much and what's our plan for brick rivers if we are called? Should we turn our hand into a bluff on any rivers? If we check, are we checking to call or to fold, or if it's size dependent what's the inflection size?
I think it's fair to say that we would save ourselves some stress by just check folding on the flop but is that actually the best play? Would our play be any different if it was the $200 rebuy?
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Flop: I would typically bet this but I could be convinced that c/f is better, its going to be a very tough hand to play oop, unless we hit a 7 or A, that said I still like betting, because we take down the pot enough of the time that I expect to show a profit.
Turn: I would c/f. He has enough hands in his range that have drawing dead, there is merit to betting to fold out weak spade draws, k9,kj,89,j9 etc but I would rather avoid the headache especially because in position doubt he folds strong tens. So basically we need him to fold turn for the bet to be profitable, and when he calls turn we need to consider bluffing rivers to get him off a ten and hope he doesn't have a missed draw that either made the best hand or opts to bluff us when we check.
- I don't think check folding is an option on the turn. I understand his line here is to bet turn and probably check call a lot of brick rivers. Way too many combos of straight draws to c/f turn.
As for sizing I would make it an amount where I can accomplish 3 things:
1. threaten to 3b jam if he raises (a move I might make with certain hands in my range but obv not with this hand)
2. discourage him from bluffing or semi bluffing
3. encourage 7x to call.
I think the sizing in the op looks good, maybe a little more.
As for bluffing the river, I think you are just getting to be a little fancy even thinking about it (although obv you want to make that play if it's best.) but in this spot I mean if it's a dry river he could call thinking that we missed a draw, and if the river completes a draw then he could have that hand. You could possibly come up with rivers where it would be best to crai but it's tough to process all that information accurately and quickly to make it in the moment and therefore overall it is best to just have a bit safer gameplan in a tough readless bvb spot in a soft tourney.
The turn is interesting because I think we can efficiently c/c, but it will undoubtedly leave some awkward river situations. Even though betting the turn has some merits; We can still bet for value against non-paired equity hands, there is also the possibility of some of those hands bluff-raising here. I think c/c is a decent plan and evaluate rivers (calling non K/8/9/T/spade rivers perhaps).
I think 3x pre would be better at this stack depth and would also cbet a tad bigger (65%) on this texture).
I agree with Jason on the fact that we don't c/f every turn but its still an option when a 9+ card comes.
I disagree with the fact that 3x is better than 2.5x because it then seems that all we want to do is take the pot down there and if the opponent is anywhere close to paying attention you could get 3b a decent amount of times.
I like bet/fold flop because checking feels like giving up since so few cards will make us want to do anything aside from check/fold turn. I probably size a little bigger to make him have to invest that much more in a raise which should make his range seem narrower.
As played, though, I'm sort of tempted to see if we can check/raise turn. Too spewy? It's really villain dependent. We have to know if we can take him off of Tx. Obviously not a play to make vs. a station.
I don't like just betting out because Tx is going to call again as will a lot of drawing hands. We'll probably fold out 7x and random float attempts that were hoping to bet IP and take it down, but that's about it.
A lot of rivers will suck and make us not want to 3 barrel, and 2 barreling just to check/fold river just feels like the weakest thing ever. That's why I am wondering if there's merit in trying to pull off a turn check/raise to fold out Tx and some weaker type of drawing hands.
Question to all: What do you think about check/raising blank rivers?
What do you think of the merits of x/r/f? Villain has a pretty wide range of SD + 2 overs hands that are getting pretty close to the correct price to peel when we bet this size, especially when 89 is going to bluff us on a K river. I'd expect a lot of floats to bet and shrug-fold turn because his range has a lot of Qx in it. Are we costing ourselves too much against his Qx/stubborn Tx hands and giving up too much equity when he decides to check back K9?
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