BvB (hero SB) 3barrel bluff or not?

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BvB (hero SB) 3barrel bluff or not?

Blinds: t200/t400 (6 Players) SB: 22,859 (Hero)
BB: 42,001
UTG: 15,583
MP: 13,312
CO: 25,259
BN: 20,521
Preflop (600) Hero is SB with T A
4 folds, Hero raises to 1,000, BB calls 600
Flop (2,300) 8 9 2
Hero bets 621, BB calls 621
Turn (3,542) 8 9 2 J
Hero bets 2,373, BB calls 2,373
River (8,288) 8 9 2 J T
Hero checks, BB checks

Iam vs unknow vilan on BB, This awinamax MTT.
The filed on Winamx are much tighter, so i believe is good line, the callin g range on BB are wide and we are dominating that range and, how the weak/passive players only raises value we can fold, wou agree?
I will cbet 100% with a short size that spot vs a players like that, the filed overfolds a lot, dont raises on often freq and we have a lot turns to continue barrelling:

We increse our equity, and i belive we have a clear 2nd barrel. A lot FD´s will calling, hands like 8x or 9x can fold now and we can realize our equity..

Comes a Tc, the follow pic represents the range wath i believe the vilan haves on RIVER:

My doubt is, you believe we can represent a strong hand and make folds hands like 2pairs or TopPair? You believe the vilan only calls with straight?
How you interpret thhe results on zilla?
Thx and gllgl


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Jae Kim 5 years, 1 month ago

Just going to give my opinion on this one without modeling it. I don't like your open sizing unless you have reads the player is overfolding BvB. Flop size is optimistic. Turn is fine. And river is a check I think.

You can make many assumptions about the population and they will lead you down paths like this. Maybe it's right/maybe it's not. I prefer working from a sound theory base and adjusting once reads develop.

GregontheRoad 5 years, 1 month ago

I don't like your flop bet. You basically gave him a free card on a meaningless flop and he's in position to you. You've increased the size of the pot and didn't get any useful info out of it.

His check behind you on the river tells me he didn't have the straight but probably a pair.

Ryan Henry 5 years, 1 month ago

Preflop: This hand will be mixing preflop at this stack depth. When you elect to go for the raise I would use a larger sizing (3-4x depending on if there is antes/no antes).

Flop: You mentioned this is an unknown player and because of this I would elect to play as close to optimal as possible (or add in exploits based on what you have seen from population at this stake), therefore this isn't an auto continuation bet flop. So when you do decide to be I would be using a larger sizing with range. This hand without a spade makes a lot more sense to go for the check. You have to keep in portions of his range which you dominate, this also isn't a hand you want to bet fold and it isn't as good of a hand to barrel, when compared to ATo containing a spade (T hearts is slightly relevant here, but weighted low compared to a spade).

Turn: When we bet here a sizing of ~70% will be good. With your flop sizing villain should be continuing on the flop with a large range and therefore your hand can actually have showdown. In saying that I imagine better here is fine, but I would mostly go for a check with this combo and start using my ATo with spades to barrel as generate more folds as well as more river cards to barrel.

River: You most certainly have showdown at this point and you would most certainly be overbluffing massively if you're using 2nd pair A kicker.

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