Btn shoving pairs
Posted by Nital J
Posted by
Nital J
posted in
Low Stakes
Btn shoving pairs
Blinds: t300/t600 (9 Players)
BB: 28,465
UTG: 22,197
UTG+1: 17,532
MP: 20,224
MP+1: 6,291
MP+2: 10,028
CO: 12,944
BN: 21,074 (Hero)
SB: 16,868
UTG: 22,197
UTG+1: 17,532
MP: 20,224
MP+1: 6,291
MP+2: 10,028
CO: 12,944
BN: 21,074 (Hero)
SB: 16,868
Hero is BN with
What stack is too big to open shove middle portion of value range (22-77, JQs-A9o)?
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Our stack here is too big to be shoving.
I think 15-20bbs should be the most we should be shoving with these kind of hands.
Minraise/folding or Minraising to 4b shove some of the time vs aggro villains seems like a decent play here.
I agree with ausuk on a 35BB stack being to big, waaaaaaaay to big to be shoving small to middle pairs with. The correct shoving range in late position at this stack size would be more like 99+, AKs, AK. As for the biggest stack I'd be comfortable shoving with the above mentioned range of 22-77, QJs-A9o, 6-10BB's would be my preference. That being said, I don't think shoving after it's been folded to you on the BTN is the best play to steal the blinds. A bet of just a bit bigger than pot size should get the job done every time when those two spots are occupied by weak passive players.
The Q here was not "should I shove 35bbs w/ a pair" it is: what stack size is optimal for shoving what range of pairs.
6-10BB Stacks.
30+ with 55, i open for sure, may do 2.5x to 3x, and i still have option if vill 3bet, but never shove, only get call by better(and most of time its fliping)
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