Bovada Mad Monday Main FT 3 handed jam spot

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Bovada Mad Monday Main FT 3 handed jam spot

Hey RIO,

This spot was 3 left at the FT of Mad Monday on Bovada.

Payouts (approx):

1st- 21k
2nd- 15k
3rd- 11k

iPoker - $250+$20|<> NL - Holdem - 3 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4:

BB: 12 BB (VPIP: 15.97, PFR: 11.28, 3Bet Preflop: 6.00, Hands: 144)
BTN: 40.08 BB (VPIP: 27.56, PFR: 18.70, 3Bet Preflop: 5.56, Hands: 130)
Hero (SB): 8.93 BB

3 players post ante of 0.1 BB, Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.8 BB) Hero has 6s 8c
fold, Hero raises to 8.83 BB, BB calls 7.83 BB

Running this in HRC it looks to be about neutral vs. a GTO calling range of about 40.2%. If villain folds too often we begin to profit, if villain calls much more we are burning money. Villain hadn't been very active all FT and seemed to GII pre with strong ranges. I only saw villain get jammed on recently BVB once at a short stack 4 handed when SB jammed around 7bb on him and he snapped A8o (standard). My image for all of FT play is probably that I am playing fairly tight ranges but not super nitty and that I hadn't really been getting out of line at all. I did just jam BvB 4 handed with 63s vs a BB who had a 4bb stack when I had 12.5bb recently.

My thoughts are that BTN player is in a great spot to exploit ICM pressure and open jam his BTN's very wide until one of us busts. I felt that I need to take most +EV jams in my SB folded to and not pass anything up, and I also felt that if we were to jam a range a bit wider than GTO then we would probably be exploiting villain since my instinct is that they will overfold here. What are your thoughts? What is your jamming range in this spot? Thanks.

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