blow up? FT HU of a 100$ tourney.

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blow up? FT HU of a 100$ tourney.

We're HU in a 100$ tourney I have a 2:1 chip lead we're 40 BB effective it's 1.5k payjump and we can't make a deal on this site. The guy I'm playing against have been 3betting me an insane amount, prob 30-35% region and maybe even higher. I minraise from SB he 3bet to 3x and I 4bet shove with 22.

So from someone who mainly plays HU cash and have grinded HU SNGs 22 is normally a fold here, but I felt given his insane 3betting and the big payjump a jam could be +EV here. Though I think with my chiplead I can just fold and wait for a better spot, but I didn't really think it through enough and jammed.

So my question is, is it a +EV shove? I obviously lost the hand and then lost a flip for the title and feel pretty bad and stupid atm :/

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