big11: $ Best way to extract value from 1 tabling random
Posted by Robwa
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Low Stakes
big11: $ Best way to extract value from 1 tabling random
MP+1: 4,398
MP+2: 47,735
CO: 60,204
BN: 127,998
SB: 21,170
BB: 37,596 (Hero)
UTG: 76,051
UTG+1: 19,861
BB wins 21,460
Pre: I think A9o is always gonna be a flat at this stackdepth.
Flop: Once we flop top two we just call his bet
Turn: After we turn a boat imo description of villain could influence our actions
a) Decent reg probably would double barrel all of his Ax, minority of his 9x and is likely to double barrel his suited broadways, not sure about the pocket pair holdings, assume a bet w TT-KK to shut down on the river and extract (thin) value from 9x
b) Decent reg would probably call 99-KK towards a donk bet, be denied the option to stab with his FD's and gutshots/OE and mediocre broadways
Presumed villain is a random who is likely not to double barrel (at all) with semi-bluffs. what line does extract the most value in your opinion?
Presumably interested in sizing and turn action.
Thanks in advance!
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I like your line here OTT but I think OTR we can bet bigger for a couple of reasons: if he's a random he's more likely to be inelastic about bet size so we're getting better value against 9x - KK. Secondly we get to the river with a more polar range (we have 9x, some 4x diamonds, and Ax, and many bricked FD's) so if that's the case we can bet bigger to include more bluffs in our range. Something around 8.5k may work well.
I'd consider donking that turn, i think we can get so much value out of his pairs or Ax if he's a random.
btw i agree with almost everything you say for the double barrel range of the reg but i don't think he's barreling with his suited broadways.
I like your line, but agree with Zenful, i bet more on the river (70-80% of the pot)..
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