Big100€ AJo resteal spot, good or bad shove?
Posted by piterlanguila
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Mid Stakes
Big100€ AJo resteal spot, good or bad shove?
So my thoughts on the hand is: the guy has been playing active, not that crazy but open raising lot of spots, especially utg. I put him on a 22% or range (22+,A9o+,A2s+,KQs,JTo+,9Ts,98s) and he'd be calling me with top 5% (99+ AQo+).
Based on that, he's folding more than 70% of his estimated range and there's 5k in the pot and only 2ppl behind me.
Thank you very much guys!
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Do you have his VPIP/PFR? Would help tremendously in narrowing down a range.
According to Janda that would be a very profitable shove. "If you raise a 3.5x bb open X10-12 they will need to fold to 3b around 66.7% of time for it to be profitable".
However we also need to include the fact that the SB or BB might wake up with a monster.
If you accurately assigned a range I think your play was fine.
Alright finally implementing real math and Equilab!! WEEEEE
If he is opening 22% and his calling range is top 5% he is folding 77.27% of the time.
AJos equity vs. his range 5% range: (88+ AJs+, KQS,Akos)
Plugging in these numbers in the expected profit is very high: 4.64BBs
So this is a GREAT shove if you accurately assigned his opening and calling range. He is folding way too much here and it is a long term excellent play against these ranges.
Seems fine
Yea in game didn't have the hud workin but I knew and remembered more or less the villain stats.
The thing is: Does the simply fact that we're not getting called by worst make it EV-? Actually I don't think so because we should also estimate our FE and I guess the more FE I have, the wider I can shove exploitatively;
But if he's folding 77.27 % of the time, doesn't an any2 jam makes sense? As exploitative play I mean
But then, there's other point; and It's that we're maybe riskin too many bb's in this spot, which also makes attractive to flat pre dominating range and playin IP postflop. I guess it's less variance but by shoving we'll also be making money, although much riskier.
Would love to see your comments :)
When I select "all" in Equilab it shows "random" instead of including 100% of hands. Anyways I plugged in 99% of hands to solve this:
2.Our equity is obviously very small against his range, and is a DISASTER if he calls. We our 27.44% equity against his 5% range.
Conclusion: I believe we have to shove here... but I did not calculate for the SB or BB waking up with a monster. However this is still and EV+ play.
Also if anyone wants to work on math problems like this.. please pm me! I really love talking poker and analyzing tools. Would be great to have a conversation with someone that has experience and knowledge with HRM, Equilab, and solving equations like this. I am really into the Psychology and Math of Poker and want to continue my learning in these areas.
What about flatting?
I wouldn't flat very often but I think a reasonable play since we are still 25BB deep is to 3B small. It defends against the times SB or BB wakes up with a hand. Also if V's opens has been uncontested I doubt he just randomly 4B shoves his open range, I actually think his 4B range is tighter then the calling range and I would be happy folding in that spot. If he has been 3B alot and has folded I like the jam, he might call wide being fed up with the 3betting and call with something like A5o
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