Big 22$ FT Buble

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Big 22$ FT Buble

Blinds: t20,000/t40,000 (5 Players) BB: 692,777 (Hero)
UTG: 743,734
CO: 771,669
BN: 1,958,507
SB: 1,046,116
BTN Player is one of the chip leaders. He is using a 2x strategy when he opens and is opening a fair amount. My HM2 indicates 57% but I would say a bit lower, around 45%. He also seems to CBet a lot. My HM2 indicates 86% CBet in 7 hands (is a tendency at this stages at least).
Preflop (60,000) Hero is BB with J Q
2 folds, BN raises to 80,000, SB folds, Hero raises to 687,777 and is all in, BN calls 607,777

With my 17BB I think I have to VPIP this hand.
My question is: should I just shove or should I call and play post?
Against a player with lesser CBet I think it will be easier to see some Turns but against this particular oponent at this stages I think I will have to play mostly fit or fold so I decided to take my fold EQ and to shove.
What are your thougths on this?
Thanks in advance!


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BarracudaNL 7 years, 4 months ago

I think there is definitely a case for jamming against good players. The button should be attacking this spot very wide and the small blind should not be playing back much at all. Jamming is a great way to punish the button for opening wide.

That said, if the button is opening 45%, then he is open-folding hands such as J7o or T5s. That is too tight and makes me want to call here.

JMMaga 7 years, 4 months ago

Thank you.
At the time I thought QJs should be a call because of flop playability but QJo was a shove especially vs a player that is going to CBet a lot and make me play more fit or fold with my short stack.

silverslick 7 years, 4 months ago

I think a call or raise are both reasonable plays. With 17BB's I would lean to call but you are almost certain to face a c bet after the flop. If you are focused mainly on a final table the shove is a good steal spot in my opinion.

SwissOdds 7 years, 4 months ago

Your reasoning seemed appropriate but at the same time, you could minimize the variance by simply flatting pre.
Curious to know what V had in that spot and if u survived the all in

JMMaga 7 years, 4 months ago

It would also be a fine discussion if we can imagine what range should be a open raise and call in his shoes ;) Give me some thoughts!
And then I can tell you the actual hand he had! eheh

SwissOdds 7 years, 4 months ago

Even if this comes from a competitor site, it is a good basic knowledge.

And, to give a try to answering your prerogative:

If V is opening a standard amount on the button regarding the precise situation, we could easily assume that he will be opening at least 50% of hands which translate to: 22+, A2s+,K2s+;Q2s+,J2s+,105s+,96s+,86s+,75s+,A2o+,K5o+,Q7o+,J8o+,108o+
So, in a vacuum, facing such a wide opening range (50% otb), your 3bet jam is obsly +EV as long as V can only call with a 15% range.

It then dépends on factors like, your ABI, table dynamics and stacks sizes, the importance of laddering one or two stops regarding your BR etc etc

JMMaga 7 years, 4 months ago

Seems acurate ;)
He snaped me off with KQo.
I don't think it's a bad call but for my experience at FT buble people tend to cry and often fold that hand vs a 17BB shove especially when he had a bit less than 50BB and my stack was still a big portion of his.
Thanks for helping out on the conversation ;)

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