Big 162 Final table, Preflop Spot.
Posted by Nipun Java
Posted by
Nipun Java
posted in
High Stakes
Big 162 Final table, Preflop Spot.
Blinds: t9,000/t18,000 (7 Players)
SB: 559,758
BB: 975,021
UTG: 513,827
UTG+1: 383,777
MP: 756,642
CO: 538,580 (Hero)
BN: 958,395
BB: 975,021
UTG: 513,827
UTG+1: 383,777
MP: 756,642
CO: 538,580 (Hero)
BN: 958,395
Hero is CO with
, , , , ,
Final Pot
MP wins 220,750
Blinds 2250/9k/18k
Preflop Pot size ( 9 + 18 + 15750 = 42750k)
1) MP has been fairly active running 24/21/13 over 108 hands . Hero is running 25/19/7. Do you like 3 betting here or flatting/folding? If 3 bet, what's your view on sizing.
2) As played, do you ever peel to the given 4 bet sizing getting immediate 4 to 1.
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You can go either there. When I have less chips that original raiser I tend to flat more often this hand category because getting 4bet really sucks and there is no short stack behind that will put you on a tough spot.
There are better hands to hood 4bets.
Should consider folding or 5bet jamming.
Prefer a peel with position on active opener with a hand like 77.
If your gonna 3 to 5 then smaller sizing (like 77-78k) is better. I def like 3bet/small > flatting since the hand plays bad post and we get squeezed a decent % too.
Thanks guys for the input. erc007, are you planning on 3 betting folding?
It depends on villain's tendencies in this spot. Without any info/history it's kinda tough to surmise whether villain is > likely to 4bet light of flat smallish 3bets oop. I think you can also manipulate his response/counter strategy in this spot with ur sizing.
If you think he's more likely to 4bet (than to hood) then def 3bet small with the intention of 5bet shoving with a lot of FE and decent equity vs his calling range. If you think he's > likely to hood small 3bets then I would size up a bit (which should lower his hooding %) since you really don't want to invite him in when u hold a hand that plays poorly postflop. Increasing ur 3bet sizing should decrease his 4bet frequency somewhat proportionally, or at least to the point where we can comfortably fold (since we now have much less perceived FE on a 5bet shove and we are facing a polarized but stronger 4bet range.)
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