Big $109- Koon Video, interesting line

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Big $109- Koon Video, interesting line

9 handed at 75/150 with 20 ante.
mid position villain with 12k stack raises to 300
Hero on Btn with 44 flats with 6100
(pot 1050) flop QT4r and villain bets 450
Hero raises to 1050

No hud stats on villain. Isn't this a weird spot to raise? since villain has QQ+ in his range and we don't, shouldn't we be flatting here with our TT,QTs, and 44 combos? I don't see the logic in having a raising range here other than its exploitative way to get money in. There aren't many draws we want to raise like KJs, J9s as I feel they are very nice to flat. Further, hands like 98s with bd flush and maybe a9s with bd flush may prefer to just to float rather than raise. If we flat our QTs TT 44 we also can float more and have more credible bets when checked to. in addition, it will keep his bluffs in so we make more with QTs TT 44. seems when we raise here we gotta just cooler him.


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So_Nitty 10 years, 3 months ago

Even bottom set is killing a mid position range. There are turn cards that will complete some draws or kill the action so yes I think you always have to raise or slow play at your peril. Villain isn't going to fold AQ or KQ. You can't be afraid of QQ unless he 4 bet shoves and even then it could be QTs

FIVEbetbLUFF 10 years, 3 months ago

im not afraid. we have the nuts. but we are raising very exploitably as there aren't any really bluffs/draws that would do this. and this is a board where he has a range advantage so we should expect him to continue to bet aggressively, including with bluffs. i really don't like the raise

FlySooHigh 10 years, 3 months ago

That might be a levelling raise vs competent opponent, cause it really makes no sense to raise anything on this rainbow board except 98s or QTs(sometimes). So, we probably never lose any value from TP+ type hands and could even induce a float from AK, AJ or something.

FIVEbetbLUFF 10 years, 3 months ago

im not necessarily convinced this exploitative raise is best. he's gunna be barreling a lot bc he has range edge, and probably barrels a hand like AK as it blocks AQ KQ for us. so i think raising only gives him a chance to get away. We will have so many weaker hands in our range we need hands like 44 in there.... further, i think this hand makes more sense to raise vs non competent player as they cannot hand read well and will more likely call down with TP

JerseyGrinder23 10 years, 3 months ago

Right, especially with a 6k stack. Think that raise is too obvious, and will reveal how strong you are. Think shoving is better than raising 1050 in that spot.

If the board had two hearts would a shove be the best play or a small raise is better?

SPrince 10 years, 3 months ago

On a relatively dry board flatting is best, and 38bbs is still deep to shove over 40%p cbet. If there was a fd otf, raising/gii and flatting both have merits.Against a good reg whos gonna have a wider range and can b/f Qx/overpair otf or ott i prefer flatting to keep both ranges as wide as possible, against a fish or a weak reg incapable of folding tp raising/gii has more merits.

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