MAIN EVENT 1650 DAY 1 - BET or CHECK turn with AK...BOARD K(h)T(d)6(d)T(s)

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MAIN EVENT 1650 DAY 1 - BET or CHECK turn with AK...BOARD K(h)T(d)6(d)T(s)

Hello everyone,

Was playing main event 1650 day 1 and came across a hand I wanted to get some thoughts on...


Button 90K
SB 40K
Blinds 500/1000, 100
40 min levels(if matters)
if I had to describe the player (button): solid, loose. knows what he is doing but also gets sticky sometimes. open range wide. and opens 50% button and cutoff. running good atm.

Button raise to 3000, SB calls, BB(me) 3bet to 10K, both players called.
FLOP: K(h)T(d)6(d)
SB checks, I lead 10K, Button calls, SB folds.
Turn: T(s)

Holding A/K with K(d), what would you do there ? Check or Bet?

Ran this by few peeps already and got different answers.

Thanks much and sorry if the content is boring...(newbie to this)


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SwissOdds 7 years, 3 months ago

First of all, oop you should raise bigger than that. 12k min seems the way to go here.
Then I think we could go either way in such a spot. There is merit in checking. You control the pot size and you hide the value of your hand letting your opponent a chance to value bet a weaker holding and a chance to (semi-)bluff. By checking you dont let your self in a weird situation where you get raised on that T turn. J10s Q10s A10s are part of his preflop calling range ip as well as 66's but most of the time, you are still ahead on that T turn.
Betting has some merit too because you make the Flush and straight draws pay for the river. He might even have floated flop with a gs like AJ or AQ.
If he's very sticky and wont fold anything, you might want to check for the reason mentionned above, if you want to protect your hand from the draws on such a wet board just bet at least half pot.
Personnaly, i would check turn and reconsider river depending on his action.

FeedDaFish 7 years, 3 months ago

This to me is a spot where mtts play completely different from a cash game in a cash game I feel like I am generally checking back for the reasons swiss mentioned. However, our chips have a value and we only have( I presume) one bullet in this mtt therefore it is absolutely dependant on the opponent.

If we have a solid read that our opponent is likely to bet draws and weaker hands on the turn then I would be check jamming to get the money in on the turn, however if they are likely to check back I definitely prefer a bet- allowing our opponent to see a free card at a draw would be a disaster in this circumstance if we can prevent it.

That's just my two cents though for what it's worth :)

gi1985 7 years, 2 months ago

Depends somewhat on our squeeze range and the amount of Tx we have , also on our flop bet range / strategy and how far up our range we are , on texture shifts we want to start blocking our range that continues to bet , mix between block and check for example AA is an easier bet due to unblocking Kx if we have some Tx we want to block also and mix in some checks ( like our worst Tx if we have them would be an ok strat so maybe a T8s Kts if we squeeze at some low freq rather than defend , The 3 elements of blocking is value / protection / bluff .... Well Ak isn't a bluff and doesn't need protection really , but can bet for value however we need some checks and im thinking this makes sense due to needing less protection than KQ and KJ , because at some freq we want some Kx that checks and a small amount of Tx as said , usually id choose my weaker Kx for obvious reasons we have less hands that calls us however here AK needs a lot of less protection , knowing we need to mix block and check id imagine pio would go something like close to 50/50 , checking AK here seems the play.

gi1985 7 years, 2 months ago

One final point your sizing is to small preflop and you've left yourself open to a multiway scenario , as an exploit also when you stretch the pot size , check calling becomes super easy as villains will overbluff due to pot size and chips committed and we can just go into c/call mode and never fold this combo.

WhatArunAA 7 years, 2 months ago

I'd check because of your flop lead. Button has way more Tx than you because of the flop lead. Let him bluff if he wants and control the size of the pot if he doesn't. Agree with everything Swiss said.

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