Best pre-flop play for TT here?
Posted by flipperson
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Low Stakes
Best pre-flop play for TT here?
Hello Peeps!
I'm going to be bombarding you all with a few noob questions, so please bear with me :)
There are two hands here.
Hand 1:
I'm sitting with a 24 BB stack UTG + 2 on 7 person table. I'm holding TT, and UTG+1 (32bb stack) (who has been pretty active and raising a fair bit from all positions) raised 2.2x. People behind me are relatively weak, not really 3 betting much without premium hands, but have been limping a lot and calling raises. I decided to Re-jam my stack as i put Original raiser on KQ+, 88+, AJ+, thinking that i'd have decent fold equity in some cases, and at worst flipping. But then i realised later that my fold equity against this player was lesser than i thought since he seemed to be calling a lot of raises as well.
My question is, given the above information, is it better to flat his raise and get more people in for value, or is it better to re-jam and try get heads up against him? And with a 25BB stack, should i be happy going in against AJ+,kq+? Also, if i flatted and everyone folded and i was heads up against him, on a K94 board, do i usually get it in?
Hand 2: I have just joined the table so dont have many reads on the players.
UTG (300Bb) Raises 3x, its folded to me (80BB) on BTN and i re-raise 4x with KK, and UTG calls. Flop is QQA. He checked, I checked. Turn T, he bet half pot, i called, river 7, he bets 2/3 pot, i fold.
Did i play this wrong? Should I have C-bet the flop? What would be the best play here?
Thanks in advance!
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Hello mate, i'll give my opinion about these spots
Hand 1:
Given the information that he is a loose player and gonna call with a wide range i'm gonna shove all day there, i do like to 3bet/call but, since he's calling a lot, i don't think he's gonna 4bet/shove very often so i prefer to just jam there.
I don't like the flat bc our hand is kinda vulnerable since sometimes is gonna be an overcard on the flop that will difficult our play, and there's the factor that, since he's more likely to call there with 88's, on a board like K94, you will not extract much value.
TT's is very strong vs that range, you should not be worry about that.. in case you just called the raise, on that flop is an example of why you should re-jam, because now he can make you fold by playing agressive with that K on the board..
Hand 2:
I think you played ok, i'm gonna check flop as well, turn is kind close for me bc his range hit that a lot, we're only playing for a K there imo, but i think you could call bc he can be betting lower pocket pairs to make you fold better hands and will check river, but as played river is an easy fold.
I like the check on the flop with KK bc you gonna make almost every weaker hand to fold and gonna get action from better hands, i liked the way you played.
Regards, gl at the tables
Agree with Felipe played both hands fine. My only point I would make is your 4X 3b with kk otb is a bit on the large side I feel.
I prefer to er on the side of 3X in position and 3.5X/4X out of position with light 3bs and value hands.
Having said that if you know the guy is loose and likely to call your 3b you are quite right to size it up.
I think there is room for 3 bet preflop in hand 1 to 5.5x. you say villian is a fin player why not isolate knowing we can outplay him and can get full value. You don't have too much to lose with 25 blinds -i prefer to take the high variance line against this poor player and extract the maximum calling down on most but not all run outs. Maybe im wrong tho..
Hand 1:
Its close but I would like a 3bet better in that spot because I would not like to flip against his AJ/AQ/AK combos here PF with nearly 25bb left, if possible.
If the stack was < 20bb I would jam as well but I guess with ~25bb there would be more value in 3bet/call and going broke on any flop with only 1 overcard.
By just 3betting you gain additional value from hands like KQ/KJs/QJs/QTs - /T9s/98s/87s - 66/77/88/99 which all might call a small 3bet (but would fold to an all in) and go broke loose on any toppair / only one ovcard board.
Hand 2:
It might be a bit nitty, but I guess I would just fold on his T bet as your still very deep stacked, and your beat there almost ever imo and would not get much value out of that hand anyhow (only getting into hard R spots)
I feel like you're missing some points on the hand like, yeah you can get value from that hands by 3betting but you'll not stack your opponent that easy as you saying, since against these hands on most boards you will get only one street of value, if you shove there you can double up, and i think in that stage you have to flip against AJ/AQ/AK, and since the player is calling a lot, these PP you said are more likely to call a shove too, don't know about 66/77 but 88+ will.. that line is too passive, you either gain a very small pot or lose half stack i'd say, imo if you're going to lose, lose by playing aggressively so when you win, you win big, you're gonna be exploitable by playing passively on spots when you have the advantage.
I think it's nitty to just fold that turn bet, sometimes you will be beat but as i said, he can be bluffing to make you fold these kind of hands, so if you fold this, he will be printing money on you by bluffing everytime here with any hand he called pf, he still have some bet/check line on his side, that's why i don't like to just fold there, since we're not strong enough to extract value, our hand plays better by bluffcatching.
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