Best line of play here for KK?
Posted by flipperson
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Low Stakes
Best line of play here for KK?
Hey guys, i have another question for you awesome lot!
So here's the situation, UTG Min Raises, I (75BB stack) re-raise 3x with KK from MP, SB (44Bb stack) calls, everyone else folds. SB
Flop Tc4d4c
SB Checks, I bet half pot, SB Calls.
Turn 3h
I bet 2/3 Pot, SB shoves, I call.
SB holds TT, and i lose the hand.
Should i have played this any differently? Should i have gone in for pot control on the turn and checked? All thoughts welcome :)
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Firstly, you played the hand fine. Things to be aware of if not already your 3b in sb v utg looks very strong. Therefore I expect BB to have a reasonably strong calling range( this does depend on the player though and is a factor to consider in spots like this)
My estimate of BBs range if a solid player is something like JJ/QQ/AK( ak less likely due to blocker effect) possibly slowplayed aa but unlikely at low stakes. Though this range can stretch as far as AQss/77/88/99/ 1010 for a looser player and therefore we are crushing the board against villains range.
I personally would bet pot closer to a third as it is so dry and we can keep in more hands that might otherwise fold out.
Turn is basically a brick and a great card for our opponent to continue on. I am betting half pot and snap calling the jam.
I am never checking turn as I could lose value in this spot.
Sigh 1010 unlucky ran into the top of the range.
standard cooler brah
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