ATs Bubble Satellite
Posted by Risva10
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Low Stakes
ATs Bubble Satellite
Blinds: t5,000/t10,000 (6 Players)
SB: 64,483
BB: 128,314 (Hero)
UTG: 252,075
MP: 38,640
CO: 118,541
BN: 137,947
BB: 128,314 (Hero)
UTG: 252,075
MP: 38,640
CO: 118,541
BN: 137,947
Hero is BB with
, ,
Final Pot
CO wins 37,000
Was that fold ok? 6 left 4 get a seat. This guy was playing pretty tight 15/12/10 and there were 2 really small stacks so I decided to fold. Now I think it might be a mistake cause I have the chipleader on my right which means I will not be able to take many shoving spots. Is this even a fold?
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this fold right i think.
Yes, nice fold. At this point there is ICM involved, wich means our ranges change and we would only be calling something like 99+, AQ.
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