Are Turbo's/hyper turbos inherently bad?
Posted by Ryan
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Low Stakes
Are Turbo's/hyper turbos inherently bad?
Are turbos/hyper turbos a waste of time? I assume they are a lower skill format and therefore a higher variance format, but still profitable. They seem to run alot more than regular SNG's
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To me they are the best. It's been my core game when I learned poker. There is a good roadmap to start with 18-45 turbo sngs; start with 1,5 dollar and grow to 7 or 15. Then you can also play almost all the low stakes turbo sngs in between.
GLHF at the tables.
I'd say theyre a pretty good tool for learning icm, push/fold, etc. Edge is small cause of the structure. really just depends on what your goals are. I prefer the big field, high edge, high payout mtts
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