AQcc approaching bubble in Big 55

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AQcc approaching bubble in Big 55

UTG1: dawhiteninja: 28080
UTG2: misspeps: 15454
LJ: dzambur: 47145
HJ: sbek1503: 6290
CO: Drk Confdant: 15876
BN: Spacedman13: 14245
SB: Stunts25: 33697
BB: bparis: 22029
UTG: Armand2011: 12808
Preflop (1050) (9 Players)
dawhiteninja was dealt A Q
Armand2011 raises to 1589, dawhiteninja calls 1589, misspeps folds, dzambur folds, sbek1503 folds, Drk Confdant folds, Spacedman13 calls 1589, Stunts25 folds, bparis folds
Flop (5817) 6 4 J (3 Players)
Armand2011 bets 3750, dawhiteninja calls 3750, Spacedman13 folds
Turn (13317) 6 4 J 6 (2 Players)
Armand2011 bets 7384, and is all in, dawhiteninja folds
V JJ+ and AK I have 25% equity and getting 2.9:1 on a call, meaning it's a break even call V this range.
Final Pot
Armand2011 wins 14082

Villian has 11% (27trials) open from EP. 0% fold to 3bet in 3 trials.

AQcc is bottom of my range here. Thought about 3 betting getting it in V villain, decided to call... I'm on a nice stack approaching bubble, and not that happy getting 18bigs in these positions V this villian. So I call. My standard on this flop is to get it in, likely 1 over and flush draw plus FE. But I thought his range is so strong here cbetting 50% into 2 people, he should never be cbetting or double barrel 88-TT here and that means I can't think of a hand I beat. Also his cbet % was 0% through 3 trials at the time. But I think it's way to strong a hand to fold to one bet.

My plan was to use my position and take a low variance style V an opponent who has a super strong range with a super strong hand on this flop and peel one and continue on a club A or Q turn. I missed so I stuck to my plan and folded. But thinking if get it in pre or on the flop would show more of a profit. Thinking about it more clearly now I think I like how I played it, 2nd choice would be raise, get in flop which I think is pretty good as I get to see both cards. Still not a fan of getting in pre.


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