AQ in SB vs UTG passive limper

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AQ in SB vs UTG passive limper

$175 buyin live tourney. We're down to 18 players and top 12 are paid. Blinds are 1500-3k and 3k BB ante.
I have 65k, and UTG has 120k.

UTG is an older man in his 70's and in the 50 minutes i've played with him, he has always open limped and has never come in with a raise preflop. I've seen him do this with qq, j-10o in early position and he's open limped a few other times where he just took the pot down with a flop bet.

UTG calls 3k
Fold to hero in SB
Hero: AdQh : raise to 12k
BB Folds
Villian UTG: calls

Flop: Js10h,7s

Hero: Bets 15k
Villian: Calls 15k

Turn: 8h
Hero: ????

Shove pre in this spot? Check flop and possibly check raise???? Thoughts?


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BM.dbleal 6 years, 6 months ago

I played against an younger guy last saturday in a 40k grt live, that played the same way. I was owning my table, have more than 100 bb's when we were only 35 left when he came into my table.

I saw he played two hands limping and taking down the pot (without any showdown) by the river taking the lead.

So he limps again and i raised to 5x in the cutoff with 9c7c; all the other guys folded and this guys called. The flop was A high x x with one card of clubs. He checked and i bet more than half pot; he called. the turn was x of clubs, and he checked again... as he was playing too many hands, the turn is a perfect card to semibluff and i fired again, more than a half pot... he tanked and folds.

few hands later (he just continuous limping and collecting some dead money when people just turn off the hand as he shows resistance and frequently bets the river... and he was limping all the positions and too many hands) i had KQo and he limps, everyone folds to me and i make all 5x he called.

the flop was K high, he checked and i fired more than half pot, he snap... real fast... the turn was a blank and again, he checks i fired and he snaps... the river was also a blank and he checks... i have to say that even with a decent hand i was not comfortable with the situation (because he is limping/calling pf almost more than the average range of the positions he's playing). As he folded to my second barrel before, i simply decided to check behind and he shows AKo, saying "no third barrel?". Although, after this showdown he change gears and collect even more chips from people who misread him. He started to open raises and started to overshove huge value preflop... we both make the FT. I finish in 7 and he finished in 5 - i've never played against him before, but take many mental notes about his playing style -.

Sorry for the long response, but in overall i like to punish real hard passive limpers, but if you think (and in this case you have motive to that, because you saw him limp calling QQ) that he's limping his entire range, and he's not someone who let it go when he misses the flop, then you should play really straightforward and strong valuebet when you make a strong hand and simply follow him or bet smaller when you missed the flop but have something like, overcards... i would definitely bet high when semibluffing strong draws and bet smaller my weaker draws.

In your example firing the second barrel is ok, you only have to pay attention to your stack/pot ratio, to didn't commit yourself with overcards and having a bad time to a tough decision ahead... when you have any kind of doubt, in difficult scenarios, i recommend to think about your tournament life, then take a safe rout and check behind, see the river and decide what to do... checking behind allows you to try a hero call (with A high) on the river if he donkey tinny... although, betting the turn and facing a shove or a call and then a lead on the river will make your decision even more difficult.


BM.dbleal 6 years, 6 months ago

Sorry for the bible...


  • Against a passive limper who plays fit or fold: abuse him... make his life a hell... his adjustment won't threat you, he will possibly gave all his chips to you... isolates him whenever you can and make cbets 100% overtime... if he calls on the flop and you have completely missed, just turn it off... otherwise, keep firing because he will call you with a pair all streets down

    • Against a passive limper/calling station: Again, make strong raises pf but cbet high your strong values and strong draws, cbet tinny your values and draws and check behind your bluffs... i wouldn't take the pure bluff path here.
riocats 6 years, 6 months ago

Jam pre

If we give him a range of 22+, AT+, and broadways we have 55% equity which is good enough for me in this spot. I also wouldn't be surprised if his range is a little wider than that and includes some other suited Ax and some things like Q9s, T9s etc. He also may be the type of player to overfold in this spot which makes me want to jam even more.

I think raising 4x is probably the worst of all your options (jam, complete or raise) as he's probably going to call and we are probably going to miss the flop which put's us in a silly spot.

blackhat 6 years, 6 months ago

I tend to play small ball & perhaps ck pre and see how Villan plays post flop. Your hand is disguised here if A or Q hits, villan will usually bet flop is ck. If rags 257 hits, it misses villan's limp range of JT, KJ,KQ, Axs, 9T & if villan limped with smal PP, he will bet & you can get away from the hand. And if you miss, you have little invested and move on to pick better spots. I would ck flop see what he does & evaluate.

But with the action as it, doesn't seem like villan will fold if you jam here. You have str8 draw and maybe an A. If getting ITM is important to you maybe Ck fold depending on his bet size. You will have enough chip to play several rounds and be in a position to double up. This flop hits more of this calling range than you R range. If you shove what do you expect to fold out? AT? AJ?

betgo 6 years, 5 months ago

As played, you have to shove the turn OOP with 60% pot left and a double gutshot. You could be ahead and an ace or a queen could be good. It is a wet board and he can have a draw. It isn't a great spot, but shoving is better than c/c or c/f.

Jrive96 6 years, 3 months ago

Easiest shove pre just pick up the 10k and on to the next hand... you have 22bb.. no room to make it 4x get flatted and play OOP

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