Approach for my first MTT review advice

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Approach for my first MTT review advice

Hi, after having tons of deep runs in the micro mtt's without a real good score I finaly managed to ship one yesterday!
The 5$ deepstack 2k Gtd for 477$ on 888poker.
Now I wanted to review this handhistory cause it had some really intresting spots, the final table alone took over 3 hours. The problem is, I never have reviewed my session before, I don't know what to look at etc.
I really want to find my leaks in the things like betting sizes, checking where I should bet and bet where I should check and the finaltable handranges I should play.
Any advice would be much appreciated so I can review more sessions in the future :)

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Wathebje 9 years, 1 month ago

Edit: I configured all the hands of the tournament and went through them, I tagged all the hands that I want to review, but I dont know how to look at them, and I dont think its a good idea to post like 50 hands right? I hope someone can help me out

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