Anyone using GTO+ for tournament study?
Posted by fizzr
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Low Stakes
Anyone using GTO+ for tournament study?
hey, i have only used the solver a little for cash game study, wondering if anyone is using it for MTT and how do you go about it?
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I use it a little and I think it's helpful but it's important to node lock. I'm very new to using GTO+ so I'm sure I'm not using 100% correctly. If nothing else I'm sure I'm not getting its full potential. However it has helped me to see things from a different perspective. I think at my level though, flopzilla is just as good. But I try to vary my study time up a bit so I don't get too bored, and so I can stay on top of things for later, when I do move into the bigger games.
As far as how I go about it, I just use the cash game tab. I add the starting pot, eff. stacks, and put the rake% and cap both at 0. And as I said, node locking. GTO+ is probably not very useful to guys like me at lower stakes without node locking.
This guy on YouTube put out about 6 videos going over everything in GTO+. I found it very helpful when I first got it.
When you run your sims. are you doing say one flop for one board at one stack depth and node locking what you think the other player is up too? i ask because my other sims (cash) are all for like 180 flops with 100bb with certain bet sizes that i would use for like BTN v BB or something.
i have not put that much time in trying to figure it out specifically for MTT but have done some good sims for 6 max. i watched that guy but i was playing cash mostly when i did watched them about 12 months ago. hhaha i must of missed anything related to MTT. thank you heaps.
It sounds like you know more about gto+ than I do honestly. But usually when I use it I do one flop. I’m just using it to help study my hand history. So I use the actual flop I saw in a given hand. Of course I’ll change it a bit here and there just to see how and what it changes. But that’s kinda the extent of what I do with it. So far anyway.
Yeah cool thanks. You seem to know your way around the forum. Any idea how to post hand histories? i keep getting invalid hand when i try copy from PT4
Oh yeah, I think they're working on updating that soon. But for now, you just have to upload the hand as an image. Go to view "hand details" and then screenshot it with snagit, or windows snipping tool, or whatever you have. All windows PCs come with windows snipping tool.
Then when you post just post as "New Thread".
Let me know if you have any trouble with any of that.
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