Ante up tournaments
Posted by Schulti
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High Stakes
Ante up tournaments
Anyone has a clue how to play these?
When the antes are big compared to the blinds the blinds become insignificant, so we basically have a symmetrical game with a lot of dead money in the pot. Somewhat comparable to a multiway postflop spot where everyone has the same range.
What is the optimal open sizing preflop? Same fraction of the pot as in normal games or closer to the fraction of the pot that gives the other players the same pot odds as our raisesize in normal games gives to the big blind. Any merit to raising smaller with a wider range to exploit people overfolding?
What kind of range should we open from early positions? We are gonna limp all or air so if we would never limp strong hands the players in later positions would open more or less the same range of hands they would open versus a fold in a normal game, which is a wider range then they would continue with had we raised ourselves. Therefore in that case we get more value from strong hands by limpraising instead of opening, and than balancing those limpraises with some air. It sucks when everyone checks of course but that should not happen too often. Esp in later stages of the tournament when everyone is very undeep limping premiums from early pos seems really good.
Overall playing much tighter from big blind and small blind and a little bit looser from every other position esp button?
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