AA preflop decision against 2 raisers
Posted by Tom Fun
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Tom Fun
posted in
Mid Stakes
AA preflop decision against 2 raisers
Blinds: t500/t1,000 (9 Players)
UTG: 16,890
MP: 27,714 (Hero)
UTG+1: 29,733
MP+1: 47,221
MP+2: 22,003
CO: 21,522
BN: 38,048
SB: 12,820
BB: 56,899
MP: 27,714 (Hero)
UTG+1: 29,733
MP+1: 47,221
MP+2: 22,003
CO: 21,522
BN: 38,048
SB: 12,820
BB: 56,899
BN - a solid player.
Hero is MP with
, , , , , ,
What is the correct decision here? Should I call and move all in in the flop (for value)? Or move all in preflop to avoid playing against 2 players? This is 22$ MTT, middle stage of the tournament.
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To me would be standard shove, you hide your aces. If you call and I'm the other guy I would think you are damn trapping me and fold a lot.
Because of the level of players you would be playing against at this buy in level i THINK 5 bet jamming all in is the right play. What's your image on the table like. The BN you have described as a solid player, now if your image is abit fishy and loose your re jamm could get called by TTs,JJs to AQs who should normally fold those hands if you have a solid image too. The SB probably might 4 bet jamm all in with hands like 88s all the way to the top range of hands.
But i agree with TheSeXFactor jamming is probably the best move in all levels of poker in this spot. You can still win 22182 chips if the BT doesn't call which is a great result still.
Jam. Don't leave the opportunity for him to miss and fold anyway.
jam all day long
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