AA ISO 20bb deep - max value line vs fish? (10euros MTT)

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AA ISO 20bb deep - max value line vs fish? (10euros MTT)

Here is the hand: http://www.boomplayer.com/poker-hands/Boom/4291104_F11C35F6D3 (can't find HH any more sorry)

Vilain is playing 43/9 I think pre-sizing is fine.

I Cbet 1/3 pot as a standard and felt like overbetting turn would be weird so I bet the turn for value vs all his gutters, double gutters, pair + draw etc and shove any river.

Problem with this line is that he realizes his equity lots of times and the stack to pot ratio looks really awkward river.

I was thinking of cbetting flop stronger to get it in on any turn with a potsize bet left instead. Maybe I don't miss as much value as I think when I give him 1:2 to call turn?

Thoughts on best line to valuebet the shit out of this guy?

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