a polarized range is EXACTLY the same than a MERGED range??

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a polarized range is EXACTLY the same than a MERGED range??

hello there!!

I just wanted to know if a polarized range is EXACTLY the same than a MERGED range??

Thank you all


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So_Nitty 9 years, 11 months ago

I'm still a little confused about ranges but I think a polarised range is either nuts or air (so both ends of the spectrum) and a merged range could be spots like semi-bluffs and medium strength hands (a smoother distribution). I'm sure someone will correct me!

KorolLev 9 years, 11 months ago

The most basic difference between a polarized range and a merged range is your polarized range will be made up off betting and raising hands, i.e. value & bluffing hands, and your merged range will contain hands that you would most often check and call with.

So_Nitty 9 years, 11 months ago

So are strong draws considered to be part of a polarised or a merged range? Would the NFD be part of a polarised range and a Q high FD be part of a merged range?

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