.99 rebuy/$2k AKss on button
Posted by So_Nitty
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Low Stakes
.99 rebuy/$2k AKss on button
BB: 288891
UTG: 911326
UTG1: 453724
LJ: 230858
HJ: 120906
CO: 434878
BN: 491505 (Hero)
SB: 106368
UTG: 911326
UTG1: 453724
LJ: 230858
HJ: 120906
CO: 434878
BN: 491505 (Hero)
SB: 106368
This is ITM about 22 left in 9th place. Blinds 12,500/25,000/2500 ante
(8 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG raises to 53750, UTG1 folds, LJ folds, HJ calls 53750, CO folds, Hero calls 53750, SB folds, BB folds
UTG raises to 53750, UTG1 folds, LJ folds, HJ calls 53750, CO folds, Hero calls 53750, SB folds, BB folds
UTG is very loose and fairly passive 64/18/1.4/0 and HJ is LAG 41/23/5.3/7.1 over a small sample. I think about shoving but decide to call in position rather than try to make them fold
(3 Players)
UTG bets 109375,
HJ calls 64656
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Shove. Run your large amount of equity against any hand he wants to call with and see him at the river.
call or 3bet your hands seems ok
you have 20 blinds and 3bet to snap a shove looks good but i would call if no squeezer in button or in blinds.
i don't want to weaken my hand playing a mw.
+ for calling
range advantage versus his lagish play => he could folds vs a 3bet but giving you chips cbetting or...
+ for 3bet
lag villain
great hand/range advantage
as played i raise his cbet and obv is to put my stack on the middle
i'm not happy to just calling because - push here could sounds as a draw (but you have draw and ocs too - A/K would be the best hand often) and he can call slightly your push
if you just call here and on any cards else spade/K/Q your equity will be weakened by the board versus an EP range (but folding will be hard...)
we have to collect chips to play to the win => preflop is closer than it can sound first but on this flop, i dislike doing anything else than to push.
if he folds, you win an interesting pot and if he calls, you have maybe the best hand or a split hand and if not you have a good equity (exept versus set but you're not dead too)
raise here for me
dream spot to shove pre, 20bb against lags with AKs. if call pre, shove flop.. only real bad result is to find 2 pair or already a str8 but it is kinda unlikely that he would t7 given so many reshove stacks.
I did want to shove pre and had been shoving quite a few hands wo showdown so the timing was perfect.....I really had the feeling though that one of them had a fairly decent pair. Even though LJ was LAG it looked pretty nutted for him to flat out of a 9 BB stack, don't think he was intending to fold. So I thought I would call and shove on any A, K or strong draw.
Got my draw so followed through with a shove over UTG's c bet an LJ's call. They both hopped in and UTG showed QQ with the Qs and LJ showed JJ with the Js. QQ held and had my covered.
Afterwards I wondered if I had seriously misplayed the hand but the chips were all going in no matter how the hand was played. If the other 2 had their normal weak holdings it probably would have been better to shove pre and hope for a call I guess
I wish I had this smell for when my opponents have big pairs! Not a bad overall result to flip on the flop.. ul
Equilab says I was just under 50% against both of their actual holdings so a good shove
as raph said: easy shove pre, as played shove flop
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