99 MPvsCO Tight Reg small 3bet

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99 MPvsCO Tight Reg small 3bet

Blinds: t500/t1,000 (8 Players) MP: 48,078 (Hero)
MP+1: 44,190
CO: 30,321
BN: 5,905
SB: 28,087
BB: 23,857
UTG: 51,314
UTG+1: 15,100
Preflop (1,500) Hero is MP with 9 9
2 folds, Hero raises to 2,150, MP+1 folds, CO raises to 5,100, 3 folds, Hero calls 2,950
Flop (12,500) 5 Q 8
Hero checks, CO bets 4,000, Hero calls 4,000
Turn (20,500) 5 Q 8 A
Hero checks, CO bets 5,125, Hero folds
Final Pot CO wins 20,500

Villain was tagged as reg but doesn't seem to be that good, plays really straight forward. He was playing 4% 3bet over 250 hands. Do we even want to be calling on the flop though? I guess with a club we do, what about 99 with no clubs? However given the spr I don't think he won't slow down on club turns with strong value hands so really is there any point in calling vs such a tight 3bet range 3betting from a 30BB stack? My fold to 3bet is not that high either like 80-75 %. This is one of the spots that it seems like he is trying to slowly reel me in but I have to call once and I hate these.


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Sextonhardcastle 5 years, 8 months ago

got to call once on flop. ak makes up such a heavy portion of his range. there are 16 combos of AK 6 combos of AA 6 of KK 6 of QQ (3 on flop). A 4% 3b range looks like 99+ AQs AK. Often these very tight 3bettors flat AQ preflop. Also, 3b shoves go into that tight 3betting number. so if you have hands on hi where he 3b shoved 77 or AT sbvbtn for 15bb that inflates the 3b number. small sample of hands but I think he's less likely to have AQ here than most players.

Add in flatting AA or JJ pre some of the time and not cbetting QQ or JJ some of the time. I'd say AK makes up about 40% of his cbet range here. Also, you expect him to play fairly straightforward so you can confidently fold if he barrels turn. Unless you have a read that he never bluffs preflop or never 3bets AK this small I dont see how you can do anything other than call preflop, call flop, fold turn.

Risva10 5 years, 8 months ago

I guess I just have to close my eyes OTF and call. I agree he shouldnt have AQo here but I also think he would just be shoving AK, I have encountered less than a handful of regs that would be 3betting small with AK on these stack sizes at these stakes. Would having no club in our hand combined with his tight range make you think a bit more about calling flop?

Sextonhardcastle 5 years, 8 months ago

i dont think having a club is really relevant here so that doesnt matter to me much. If you think he just never really has AK here then folding flop makes sense but i try not to get too carried away. 30bb is still enough that a lot of ppl dont like jamming but it probably does remove some amount of ak from his range.

Sextonhardcastle 5 years, 8 months ago

i dont think having a club is really relevant here so that doesnt matter to me much. If you think he just never really has AK here then folding flop makes sense but i try not to get too carried away. 30bb is still enough that a lot of ppl dont like jamming but it probably does remove some amount of ak from his range.

Goodfellahh 5 years, 8 months ago

Hi, i think your hand will play fine shoving pre against CO, in this spot i guess i will just go with it most of the time chipevwise , unless this guy is really tight over a decent simple size

Risva10 5 years, 8 months ago

My standard play there would be shoving but he was playing 4% 3bet over 250 hands. So he shouldnt have many bluffs. When I shove and get called there I am flipping at best plus he never has a worse pair. If he was playing like 8-10% 3bet I would shove but vs him I dont think I am getting enough folds.
However at these 30-40BB stack sizes you could argue that some players start over-3betting with suited Ax and AT, AJ KJ, KQ etc. I juat dont think this guy does, not with this sizing right?

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