700k wcoop ko AQ 30bb+ deep and overall help...

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700k wcoop ko AQ 30bb+ deep and overall help...

I'm a long time cash game player who has some tournament experience and merits from softer fields some years back (mostly from ongame network) but sadly hasn't tried to evolve in current pro fields at all. I have tried to play as many wcoop tournaments as possible up to 700$ buy ins first time ever...Without a single cash out!

Today, I was having really good touch in beginning when we were 100-200bb deep and got 47k stack when avg was little bit more than 20k and bb like 400. After that it was just horrible how I got crushed. I didn't really get any amazing hands to play and stack was soon 20-30bb deep which was amazingly hard to play for me.

I will post a hand which was probably a breaking point in whole tournament. Is this a mandatory call in a new table where I suspect villain to be pretty active? He was at 90k stack but just dropped to 30k+ and instantly shipped to my 3bet. 


I hate myself not calling in this spot if I am not comfortable to go with 30bb+ deep which I considered too much to call with AQo on middle positions and it's not realistic to wait for call by him. Am I result oriented if I think afterwards it's an easy call in modern tournament play?
I decided to wait better spot but I was soon on push after one maybe bad open and cb. Antes just got me after couple orbits. Eventually I had 12bb stack and pushed ATo UTG, got called by better and dropped from tournament about 40 slots before cash. This wasn't the first time it has gone like this.

I really felt I was doing something very wrong when we didn't play very deep with small blinds since I was really doing right plays in early tournament.

Any good video out there from this stage of tournaments when stacks get shallower and you need to risk your whole stack?


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Sam Grafton 11 years, 6 months ago

I think you probably can 3-bet call in this spot profitably. Although it helps if there is some sort dynamic, or you've been seen to get out of line at least a little. Definitely raise fold. You can flat and get stubborn on a number of flops.

Stephen Chidwick 11 years, 6 months ago

If you're not comfortable 3b calling here you should just flat. You're in position and theres basically no flops you have to fold on. Also I was under the impression that those bounties were effectively irrelevant for the whole tourney. Dylan made the ft of the 2nd chance and the biggest one was like 300 bucks which is one buyin, and then you only get half of it.

gl for the rest of WCOOP Tommi, it only takes one!

Tommi Heikinniemi 11 years, 6 months ago

In progressive KO tournaments bounties seems to matter very little if your goal is to make top10. You don't basically need to think about them 95% of time. They kinda cover your buy in fast but that shouldn't be your goal, I guess :)

Thanks for the answers.

Sam Greenwood 11 years, 6 months ago


Your goal should be to make as much money as possible it doesn't matter if that is from winning the tournament, cashing the tournament or collectiing bounties or all three.

chasepoker 11 years, 6 months ago

I thnik you can 3 bet call AQo ok but there is no point in 3 bet/folding either 3b/gii or flat i actually prefer the flat here but that is a style thing. Also his 4 bet jam is pretty big so i think we can take out some AA/KK/QQ combos and maybe weight middle pairs/AK more but that is just a guess.

Also your shove with ATo utg if it was 9 handed is marginaly bad i think readless i think you can push 33+ A9s+ A5s AJo+ K9s+ KQo QTs+ JTs T9s if i worked it out correctly even that is a breakeven play so realtively near the bubble ( not that you are ) you could be tighter.

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