$540 ACR Million Final Table
Posted by FIVEbetbLUFF
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High Stakes
$540 ACR Million Final Table
Stacks were fairly even with 2nd-8th all having between 1.2M and $1.9M, chip leader had $4.4M.
Hand 1:
Blinds 40k/80k/8k, 8 left.
UTG raises to $160k
Hero in UTG+1 with TT and $1.6M effective ?
Hand 2:
UTG hero raises to $160k with AQhh with $1.6M effective
BTN tanks a bit and jams for $1.15M
My HUD like doesnt work for tournaments, not sure why. But the FT was playing fairly tight except the chip leader was opening a bunch. I had a fairly tight image I believe.
Also curious how you guys approach the 15bb stack, as most stacks were 15bb and its interesting cause it seems really easy to open to wide and not induce enough, given that many 66-TT and AQ/AK/.AJ/KQs type hands just straight up shove
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It's my second post here (and i'm french) so please be nice :p
I usually play 20->150€ MTT so i will talk about my experience.
For the 1st one, UTG+1 vs open utg TT is really weak. Futhermore we have 6 players to act behind us so that's not a really profitable shove imo. Call for 10% of effective stack with a hand which plays really bad on flops will be awfull for me, so i would fold.
For the second hand it's a bit different because we are facing a shove from the BU. if we assume his range to be AQ+; 88+ we have appromatively 39.83% equity. The pot is 8k*6 + 80k + 40k + 160k + 1150k = 1478k; you need to put 990k to win a 1478k + 990k = 2468k pot. So you basically need 40.11% of equity.
So it's close for me, I'm not really good with ICM stuff but I assume it would be a fold too...
Then, talking about strategy with in TF with those stacksizes : I usually have a PLAY TO WIN strategy. I will often resteal with a "wide" range vs wide openers (who minraise). But then i won't be Open shoving 13-14bb+. Never with similar stacks, because we can easily minraise/fold KQo, AJo, hands like this if opponents have a really tight range of resteal. it's more low variance and there's a lot to win so it's important to keep your stack and not to be gambling too much.
i hope my answer will be understandable, i'm sorry if it's not but :)
It will be a pleasure to discuss with those hands and strategy, i'm here to improve.
congrats first! what place did u get?
as for the hands, with out the info on all chip stacks at the table its impossible to analyze them.
i got 8th unfortunately. sorry will edit post and add that. Stacks were very even. I jammed JJ UTG for 14bb (1.28MM at 90kbb) and BTN rejam QQ and gone.
Nice run, congrats!
I watched a decent bit of the final table, and on both I'd say it depends who the opponent is. The chipleader at the time was opening fairly wide, and everyone else was playing tight and hoping to ladder. So I'd be inclined to give extra credit for strong hands to everyone else.
With the TT I happily shove it vs riasedbyscorn. for the reasons I said above. Vs anyone else at that table at that point I think its a fold given what their UTG range would be.
On the second hand, same thing. Call vs the chipleader, fold and never tell anyone what I had vs everyone else. You might occasionally run into aj or a10, but the way the table had been playing, I'd say you're flipping at best,and often have 3 outs. You're rarely ahead. I'd be curious what ICMizer says. I remember one of the Greenwood vids where it showed AQ was a fold shorthanded at a final table. It sucks to fold there, but my gut says you make the most money by doing so.
i agree. it was no versus raisebyscorn. and yea i assume his range is AQo and 99+, which i have 39% equity.
Tourney reg i respect says open fold AQs may be correct in hand 2, i think that it is too tight. thoughts?
If you're going to fold too much it's not bad to open fold here. You can preserve your chips but i think I won't be able to open fold a hand as strong as AQs in this position.. Maybe utg with 9 players
But we can discuss about a limp strategy. Would be interesting with ~20bb stacks :)
Not sure about a limping strat. It gives everyone a really good price to enter pot and often leads to multiway flops. Also if someone behind us raises, it leads to a very awkward pot where peeling OOP wont be attractive and shoving is way high variance and we would need strong read that they are wide. Given the spot doesnt come up a lot, we probably wont have be able to assign a precise range at all.
I have never open folded AQ suited utg at any stack depth(barring some extreme scenario, like a bubble spot, or a spot where I can get ICM abused and see it coming), what am I missing?
1st call pre.
2nd r/f. Raise is creating value and it is not that high variance since stacks are shallow enough that you are either r/c or r/f on that spot. If AQs is one of the worst hands you would open with that stack size, then it is a easy fold to a jam.
on the 1st hand, do you create a shoving and flatting range? I just cant think of a wide enough range to flat. I feel like I will have TT/AQs/AJs/KQs and other than that maybe JJ. I could have traps too to protect my range like AA/KK/QQ and I think I would need to do that to not turn my hand face up.
Though, are we so shallow that it does not matter if im face up? I just think its unfortunate he can play so well versus my range where on a lot of boards I will have no bluffs
I'd never call AQs/AJs/KQs. Playing a pure call strategy with TT+, AK seems good with that stack sizes setup.
Hm, was the TT one of the first hand of the ft? Didnt check any numbers but shoving seems like a mistake. Flatting is still profitable, I don't tend to create my own flatting/shoving ranges, just try to play the most exploitative/higher EV strategy, (obv if we can't shove but flatting is better than folding with TT, you don't have to split TT onto 2 strategic options) . That said, I agree best/most balanced strategy here seems one like Raphael said, flatting with TT+ AK, but I also think we can profitably flat the AQs there. Also just to note that if there are many shorts behind you the EV of flatting will increase as you already know
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