50r on Party. Presumably standard spot w/ AJs close to the bubble.

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50r on Party. Presumably standard spot w/ AJs close to the bubble.

None: 19559 (Hero)
None: 19660
None: 41131
None: 21015
None: 25198
None: 12826
None: 20919
None: 10086
None: 36268
None: 14332
Preflop (0) (10 Players)
Hero was dealt J A
Hero raises to 1600,
I get raised here to 3580 by the guy two to my left.

Hi there,

first of all Im sorry about the handhistory, but party does seem to do an awesome job screwing it up. I get raised here preflop to 3580 by the guy two to my left. 

I mainly play(ed) NL cash and only recently started playing tournaments again (started out doing that in 06). My general assumption going in is that I dont know much about tournaments other than that the blinds increase over time.

I was just moved to this table and have seen like 8 or 9 hands. At this point I played zero hands at this table and the guy raising me played two without showdown with one preflop 3bet in position, which got a fold. 

Being the table bigstack he might just screw around with me here and in my head I hear Jason Koon saying to just rip it in, but it´s 10 handed. Yes it´s the bubble, but I opened utg+2, he doesnt know me (neither do I know him at all), which would lead me to believe that all his value 3bets have me in jail as there are quite a few ppl left to act behind him.

I stoved a calling range and am a bit suprised how much equity I still have when called.

This is the range I gave him for calling:

Hand 0: 39.116% { AcJc }

Hand 1: 60.884%  { 77+, ATs+, AJo+ }

Is that a reasonable assumption for a reg 3bet/calling range in this spot? Or are there some KQ combos and all pairs in there? How do you proceed when 3bet here? There is now 7180 already in the pot and it would cost me another 1980 chips to see 3 more cards. Thanks guys.

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