$5 rebuy/$5K Nut Flush and river pairs
Posted by So_Nitty
Posted by So_Nitty posted in Low Stakes
$5 rebuy/$5K Nut Flush and river pairs
UTG1: 131732
LJ: 144711
HJ: 170124
CO: 255855
BN: 184045 (Hero)
SB: 124444
BB: 93210
UTG: 29735
LJ: 144711
HJ: 170124
CO: 255855
BN: 184045 (Hero)
SB: 124444
BB: 93210
UTG: 29735
(8 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, UTG1 folds, LJ folds, HJ folds, CO folds, Hero raises to 6400, SB folds, BB calls 3200
UTG folds, UTG1 folds, LJ folds, HJ folds, CO folds, Hero raises to 6400, SB folds, BB calls 3200
Blinds 1600/3200/400 ante
BB is loose passive
BB is loose passive
(2 Players)
BB checks,
Hero bets 6400,
BB raises to 12800,
Hero raises to 12800,
BB calls 6400
Flop the world....TPTK and the nut flush draw. Some would shove here but I want to keep him in the pot. He surprises me by check raising on the flop. I probably should have just called but I 4 bet him to charge him if he was drawing to a lower flush or if he had a worse Q
(2 Players)
BB checks,
Hero bets 9600,
BB calls 9600
I bet small to keep him in the pot with a lower spade...I'm hoping he has something like KsQ. Should I have bet larger for value? He has about 67200 back
(2 Players)
BB bets 57610
Hero? Given the action is he ever bluffing here or betting a worse hand?
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