$4/$700 Knockout MTT - QQ FT AI run out

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$4/$700 Knockout MTT - QQ FT AI run out

UTG: 63461
LJ: 97833
HJ: 101772 (Hero)
CO: 59064
BN: 209904
SB: 31926
BB: 81040
Blinds 1600/3200/400 ante

There are 4 smaller stacks, two about the same and the CL. I see the QQ and have a sinking feeling because I've busted so often with this particular hand in critical situations (so nitty). I've seen ICM breakdowns where in my situation raising QQ from early and getting shoved on can be a fold and I don't want to get in this situation so I raise big (first mistake?)
Preflop (4800) (7 Players)
Hero was dealt Q Q
UTG folds, LJ folds, Hero raises to 7333, CO calls 7333, BN folds, SB folds, BB calls 4133
Get 2 calls - not what I was looking for. CO is LAG but BB is super tight. I find it strange that neither one pulled the trigger and just shoved but they probably didn't know what to think about my open. To me looking back it screams 10s to Qs.
Flop (23599) 9 6 3 (3 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets 19799, CO raises to 51331, BB raises to 73307, Hero calls 53508
Ok - we're AI. I'm hoping someone has a draw and the other has JJ or 10 10. Nope BB has 66 and flopped a set. Cursing like a sailer
Turn (221544) 7 (3 Players)
Now I feel bad for BB - CO just hit his overset. Wait there are 4 spades on board.......
River (221544) 4 (3 Players)
Justice - the best hand preflop won and 2 more knockouts
Final Pot
Hero has Q Q CO has 7 7 BB has 6 6 Hero wins 43952 , Hero wins 180392

What should have been the best bet sizing preflop given ICM considerations? Would I ever raise fold?


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Rapha Nogueira 10 years, 6 months ago

Open min, gii against anyone in earth... QQ is top 3%! The payout structure should be pretty top heavy to find a situation that you need to fold QQ. b/f flop unfortunately... if was only one raise, ok, but BB clicks the raise back... I rather give up. If is super KO I would gii QQ anyway but in just KO which makes the KO itself a very small portion of the $ in play I think I can fold here. 

Hahahaha loved the comment on the end. 

So_Nitty 10 years, 6 months ago

If I had min raised the QQ pre and just bet a standard c bet it would have been possible to fold my hand I guess. That makes sense...I'm trying to find an excerpt from Harrington's new book where he breaks down QQ as an ICM FT fold but I can't find it. I remember I was pretty shocked when I read it a few months ago. Seems all Mtts are top heavy pay outs

50onred 10 years, 6 months ago

min raise pre, fold on the flop.  vs 1 you can consider a call, but vs 2 you are hardly ever ahead

if its a very active table and you don't feel too confident postflop, i think a openshove would make it easy. but its definetly not optimal openshoving 30bb ,  you lose value cause you make it easy for the smaller stacks to get away from worse hands that they would get in vs your minopen like smaller pairs or aj,kq,...

qq can be a fold when you get shoved on, but i would not take it as a standard,
its situation dependant. on this ft i would say if you open, btn 3b and bb shove
its clearly a fold.

or if the co would have a bigger stack and tight
stats and 3bshoves on you.

50onred 10 years, 6 months ago

i would cbet but i would fold to the raise and reraise. vs co i think its a call, but vs both its a fold to me (early on a ft). especially when you describe bb as tight.

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